1. 程式人生 > >sqlserver中如何實現時間按月,日,小時分組查詢


--按照月份統計 select count(id) cnt,datepart(mm,time) [Month] from [table] where [time] between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37' group by datepart(mm,time) --按照日統計 select count(id) cnt,datepart(dd,time) [Day] from [table] where time between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37' group by datepart(dd,time) --按照小時統計 select count(id) cnt,datepart(hh,time) [Hour] from [table] where [time] between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37'

group by datepart(hh,time)


1、每年 select year(ordertime) AS '年', sum(Total) '銷售合計' from order_list group by year(ordertime) 2、每月 select year(ordertime) '年', month(ordertime) '月', sum(Total) '銷售合計' from order_list group by year(ordertime), month(ordertime) 3、每日 select year(ordertime) '年', month(ordertime) '月', day(ordertime) '日', sum(Total) '銷售合計' from order_list group by year(ordertime), month(ordertime), day(ordertime) 另外每日也可以這樣: select convert(char(8),ordertime,112) dt, sum(Total) '銷售合計' from order_list group by convert(char(8),ordertime,112) 另外,每月(年、日)的記錄條數 select year(ordertime) '年', month(ordertime) '月', count(*) '銷售記錄' from order_list group by year(ordertime),


