1. 程式人生 > >[Java in NetBeans] Lesson 11. While Loops

[Java in NetBeans] Lesson 11. While Loops


    主要學到的知識點有:(the same use in C/C++)

1. while loop

  • while(i < max){} will keep executing if i < max is true, otherwise will jump out from the while loop. Possible execute 0 times. 
max = 5;
i = 0; while(i < 5){
System.out.printf("%d ", i); i++;}
// the result will be like this

0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • do {} while (i < max) is similar like before, only difference is that the loop body will be execute at least once. 
  • while(true) { if (i < max) {break;}}   Whenever see break; will jump out from the while loop. 
max = 5;
i = 0; while(true){
System.out.printf("%d ", i); i++;
if (i >= max){
// the result will be like this
0, 1, 2, 3, 4