1. 程式人生 > >db2 kill- 9殺掉程序後 重新啟動報錯

db2 kill- 9殺掉程序後 重新啟動報錯

關於啟動db2start 報錯:

[[email protected] ~]$ db2start 10/01/2012 08:53:27     0   0   SQL1072C  The database manager resources are in an inconsistent state.  DB2 may have been incorrectly terminated, or another application may be using system resources in a way which conflicts with DB2's use of system resources.  System resource cleanup may be required. SQL1032N  No start database manager command was issued.  SQLSTATE=57019



1. cd $INSTHOME/sqllib

2. 刪除 .ftok 檔案:

rm .ftok

3. 建立一個新的 .ftok 檔案:

touch .ftok

4下面執行 db2start 就可以了。