1. 程式人生 > >顯示當前目錄下檔案以及資料夾的GUI


跟著《Python 核心程式設計》照著做了一個能夠顯示當前目錄的GUI小工具。


  1 from tkinter import *
  2 import os
  3 from time import sleep
  5 class DirList(object):
  6     def __init__(self, initdir=None):
  7         self.top = Tk()
  8         self.label = Label(self.top, text="Directory Lister v1.1
") #title and version 9 self.label.pack() 10 11 self.cwd = StringVar(self.top) 12 # a label to display current directory's name 13 self.dirl = Label(self.top, fg='blue', font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold')) 14 self.dirl.pack() 15 16 self.dirfm = Frame(self.top) #
frame of the list box 17 self.dirsb = Scrollbar(self.dirfm) #scroll bar which helps display 18 self.dirsb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) 19 self.dirs = Listbox(self.dirfm, height=15, width=50, yscrollcommand=self.dirsb.set) #list box 20 self.dirs.bind('<Double-1>
', self.setDirAndGo) 21 self.dirsb.config(command=self.dirs.yview) #correspond with scroll bar's change 22 self.dirs.pack(side=LEFT,fill=BOTH) 23 self.dirfm.pack() 24 25 self.dirn = Entry(self.top, width=50, textvariable=self.cwd) 26 self.dirn.bind('<Return>', self.doLS) 27 self.dirn.pack() 28 29 self.bfm = Frame(self.top) 30 self.clr = Button(self.bfm, 31 text='Clear', 32 command=self.clrDir, 33 activeforeground='white', 34 activebackground='blue') 35 self.ls = Button(self.bfm, 36 text='List Directory', 37 command=self.doLS, 38 activeforeground='white', 39 activebackground='green' 40 ) 41 self.quit = Button(self.top, 42 text='Quit', 43 command=self.top.quit, 44 activeforeground='white', 45 activebackground='red' 46 ) 47 self.clr.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) 48 self.ls.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) 49 self.quit.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) 50 self.bfm.pack() 51 52 if initdir: 53 self.cwd.set(os.curdir) 54 def clrDir(self, ev=None): 55 self.cwd.set('') 56 def setDirAndGo(self, ev=None): 57 self.last = self.cwd.get() 58 self.dirs.config(selectbackground='red') 59 check = self.dirs.get(self.dirs.curselection()) 60 if not check: 61 check = os.curdir 62 self.cwd.set(check) 63 self.doLS() 64 65 def doLS(self, ev=None): 66 error = '' 67 tdir = self.cwd.get() 68 69 if not tdir: 70 tdir = os.curdir 71 if not os.path.exists(tdir): 72 error = tdir + ': no such file' 73 elif not os.path.isdir(tdir): 74 error = tdir + ': not a directory' 75 76 if error: 77 self.cwd.set(error) 78 self.top.update() 79 sleep(2) 80 if not (hasattr(self, 'last') and self.last): 81 self.last = os.curdir 82 self.cwd.set(self.last) 83 self.dirs.config(selectbackground='LightSkyBlue') 84 self.top.update 85 return 86 self.cwd.set('Fetching Directory Contents...') 87 self.top.update() 88 dirlist = os.listdir(tdir) 89 dirlist.sort() 90 os.chdir(tdir) 91 self.dirl.config(text=os.getcwd()) 92 self.dirs.delete(0, END) 93 self.dirs.insert(END, os.curdir) 94 self.dirs.insert(END, os.pardir) 95 for e in dirlist: 96 self.dirs.insert(END, e) 97 self.cwd.set(os.curdir) 98 self.dirs.config(selectbackground='LightSkyBlue') 99 100 101 def main(): 102 d = DirList() 103 mainloop() 104 105 if __name__ == '__main__': 106 main() 107 108
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