1. 程式人生 > >php介面(interface)跟抽象類abstract的作用與好處



  1. 動物(Animal)抽象類
  2. 老虎(tiger) 繼承動物類
  3. 蛇類(snake) 繼承動物類
  4. 兔子(rabbit) 繼承動物類
  5. 農夫(farmer)農夫可以餵養Animal


abstract class Animal{ //定義一個抽象類animal 

	public function move($destination){}//動物移動
	public function drink(){}//動物喝水

//三個動物 tiger snake rabbit

class tiger extends Anima{
	public function getname(){
		return 'tiger';

	public function move($destination){
		echo $this->getname().' move to '.$destination.'<br>';

	public function drink(){
		echo $this->getname().' drink water <br>';

	public function hunt($animal){
		echo $this->getname().' hunt '.$animal."<br>";

class snake extends Animal{
	public function getname(){
		return 'snake';

	public function move($destination){
		echo  $this->getname().' move to '.$destination.'<br>';

	public function drink(){
		echo $this->getname().' drink water <br>';

	public function hunt($animal){
		echo $this->getname().' hunt '.$animal."<br>";

class rabbit extends Animal{
	public function getname(){
		return 'rabbit';

	public function move($destination){
		echo $this->getname().' move to '.$destination."<br>";

	public function drink(){
		echo $this->getname().' drink water <br>';


class farmer{
	public function feedwater(Animal $animal,$destination){

	public function feedanimal(Animal $animal,$destination){
$farmer=new farmer();

$farmer->feedwater(new tiger(),'room');

$farmer->feedwater(new snake(),'grassland');

$farmer->feedwater(new rabbit(),'kitchen');

$farmer->feedanimal(new tiger(),'animal');

$farmer->feedanimal(new snake(),'animal');



interface Animal{ 

	public function move($destination);//動物移動
	public function drink();//動物喝水
//tiger snake實現捕食方法 但是rabbit不存在這個方法 所以需要再另外定義一個介面類
interface Hunt{
	public function hunt($animal);
class tiger  implements Animal,Hunt{
	public function getname(){
		return 'tiger';

	public function move($destination){
		echo $this->getname().' move to '.$destination.'<br>';

	public function drink(){
		echo $this->getname().' drink water <br>';

	public function hunt($animal){
		echo $this->getname().' hunt '.$animal."<br>";

class snake  implements Animal{
	public function getname(){
		return 'snake';

	public function move($destination){
		echo  $this->getname().' move to '.$destination.'<br>';

	public function drink(){
		echo $this->getname().' drink water <br>';

	public function hunt($animal){
		echo $this->getname().' hunt '.$animal."<br>";

class rabbit implements Animal{
	public function getname(){
		return 'rabbit';

	public function move($destination){
		echo $this->getname().' move to '.$destination."<br>";

	public function drink(){
		echo $this->getname().' drink water <br>';


class farmer{
	public function feedwater(Animal $animal,$destination){

	public function feedanimal(Animal $animal,$destination){

$farmer=new farmer();

$farmer->feedwater(new tiger(),'room');

$farmer->feedwater(new snake(),'grassland');

$farmer->feedwater(new rabbit(),'kitchen');

$farmer->feedanimal(new tiger(),'animal');

$farmer->feedanimal(new snake(),'animal');

1.abstract 可以有成員變數 可以實現方法

上述的介面類hunt 可以不要 但是為了說明多繼承還是加上了
