1. 程式人生 > >Python 倒排索引

Python 倒排索引

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''Part 1 : Setup index'''

dict = {} # a emtry dictionary.
n = 100
for row in range(0,n):  

    information = raw_input()
    line_words = information.split() 
    # split the information inputed into lines by '/n'

    for word in line_words : # Judge every word in every lines .       

        # If the word appear first time .
        if word not in dict :
            item = set()   # set up a new set .
            item.add(row+1)  # now rows
            dict[word] = item   # Add now rows into keys(item).

        # THe word have appeared before .
            dict[word].add(row+1)    # Add now rows into keys(item).

# print dict    we can get the information dictionary.

'''Part 2 : Print index''' 

word_list = dict.items()  # Get dict's items .

word_list.sort( key = lambda items : items[0] ) # Sort by word in dict.

for word , row in word_list : # Ergodic word and row in word_list .
    list_row = list(row)

    # Change int row into string row .
    for i in range ( 0 , len(list_row) ):
        list_row[i] = str(list_row[i])
    # print result the part 2 needed .
    print word + ':' , ', '.join(list_row)

''' Part 3 : Query '''
# define judger to judger if all querys are in dict.
def judger(dict , query):
    list_query = query.split()
    for word in list_query :
        if word not in dict :
            return 0    # for every query ,if there is one not in dict,return 0
    return 1   # all query in dict .

query_list = [] 

# for input , meet '' ,stop input.
while True:
    query = raw_input()
    if query == '' :
    elif len(query) != 0 :
        query_list.append(query) # append query inputed to a list query_list .

# Ergodic every query in query_list.     
for list_query in query_list :
    # if judger return 0.
    if judger(dict , list_query) == 0 :
        print 'None'
        list_query = list_query.split()
        query_set = set()  # get a empty set
        # union set to get rows .
        for isquery in list_query :
            query_set = query_set | dict[isquery]
        # intersection to get common rows .
        for isquery in list_query :
            query_set = query_set & dict[isquery]
        # if intersection == 0 
        if len(query_set) == 0 :
            print 'None'

            query_result = list(query_set)
            for m in range(len(query_result)) :
                query_result[m] = str(query_result[m])
            print ', '.join(query_result)