1. 程式人生 > >使用RSA非對稱加密登陸介面登陸密碼,防止明文傳輸


public class RSAUtil {
	  public static final String PUBLIC_KEY = "RSAPublicKey";
	  public static final String PRIVATE_KEY = "RSAPrivateKey";
	  public static final String BASEPATH = "config/ds.properties";
	  public static final java.security.Provider provider = new BouncyCastleProvider();  
	     * Constructor 
	    public RSAUtil() throws Exception {  
	     * Generates the Keypair with the given keyLength. 
	     * @param keyLength 
	     *            length of key 
	     * @return KeyPair object 
	     * @throws RuntimeException 
	     *             if the RSA algorithm not supported 
	    public static KeyPair generateKeypair(int keyLength,String basePath) throws Exception {  
	        try {  
	            KeyPairGenerator kpg;   
	            try {  
	                kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");  
	            } catch (Exception e) {  
	                kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA",provider);  
	            KeyPair keyPair = kpg.generateKeyPair();  
	           // saveKeyPair(keyPair, basePath);
	            return keyPair;  
	        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) {  
	            throw new RuntimeException("RSA algorithm not supported", e1);  
	        } catch (Exception e) {  
	            throw new Exception("other exceptions", e);  
         * 儲存金鑰
         * @param kp
         * @throws Exception
        public static void saveKeyPair(KeyPair kp, String basePath) throws Exception {
        	basePath =StringUtils.isNotBlank(basePath)?basePath:BASEPATH;
        	String path = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(basePath).getPath();
        	Properties prop = new Properties();// 屬性集合物件
        	InputStream  fis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(path));// 屬性檔案輸入流
        	prop.load(fis);// 將屬性檔案流裝載到Properties物件中
        	fis.close();// 關閉流
        	// 修改公鑰值的屬性值
        	// 修改私鑰值的屬性值
        	// 檔案輸出流
        	BufferedOutputStream fos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path));
        	// 將Properties集合儲存到流中
             prop.store(fos, "modify");
             fos.close();// 關閉流
         	 //System.out.println("獲取修改後的屬性值:password=" + prop.getProperty("password"));

	     * Decrypts a given string with the RSA keys 
	     * @param encrypted 
	     *            full encrypted text 
	     * @param keys 
	     *            RSA keys 
	     * @return decrypted text 
	     * @throws RuntimeException 
	     *             if the RSA algorithm not supported or decrypt operation failed 
	    public static String decrypt(String encrypted, KeyPair keys) throws Exception {  
	        Cipher dec;  
	        try {  
	            try {  
	                dec = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/NoPadding");  
	            } catch (Exception e) {  
	                dec = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/NoPadding",provider);  
	            dec.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keys.getPrivate());  
	        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {  
	            throw new RuntimeException("RSA algorithm not supported", e);  
	        String[] blocks = encrypted.split("\\s");  
	        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();  
	        try {  
	            for (int i = blocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {  
	                byte[] data = hexStringToByteArray(blocks[i]);  
	                byte[] decryptedBlock = dec.doFinal(data);  
	                result.append(new String(decryptedBlock));  
	        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {  
	            throw new RuntimeException("Decrypt error", e);  
	         * Some code is getting added in first 2 digits with Jcryption need to investigate 
	        return result.reverse().toString().substring(2);  
	     * Parse url string (Todo - better parsing algorithm) 
	     * @param url 
	     *            value to parse 
	     * @param encoding 
	     *            encoding value 
	     * @return Map with param name, value pairs 
	    public static Map parse(String url, String encoding) {  
	        try {  
	            String urlToParse = URLDecoder.decode(url, encoding);  
	            String[] params = urlToParse.split("&");  
	            Map parsed = new HashMap();  
	            for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {  
	                String[] p = params[i].split("=");  
	                String name = p[0];  
	                String value = (p.length == 2) ? p[1] : null;  
	                parsed.put(name, value);  
	            return parsed;  
	        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {  
	            throw new RuntimeException("Unknown encoding.", e);  
	     * Return public RSA key modulus 
	     * @param keyPair 
	     *            RSA keys 
	     * @return modulus value as hex string 
	    public static String getPublicKeyModulus(KeyPair keyPair) {  
	        RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();  
	        return publicKey.getModulus().toString(16);  
	     * Return public RSA key exponent 
	     * @param keyPair 
	     *            RSA keys 
	     * @return public exponent value as hex string 
	    public static String getPublicKeyExponent(KeyPair keyPair) {  
	        RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();  
	        return publicKey.getPublicExponent().toString(16);  
	     * Max block size with given key length 
	     * @param keyLength 
	     *            length of key 
	     * @return numeber of digits 
	    public static int getMaxDigits(int keyLength) {  
	        return ((keyLength * 2) / 16) + 3;  
	     * Convert byte array to hex string 
	     * @param bytes 
	     *            input byte array 
	     * @return Hex string representation 
	    public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] bytes) {  
	        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();  
	        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {  
	            result.append(Integer.toString((bytes[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16)  
	        return result.toString();  
	     * Convert hex string to byte array 
	     * @param data 
	     *            input string data 
	     * @return bytes 
	    public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String data) {  
	        int k = 0;  
	        byte[] results = new byte[data.length() / 2];  
	        for (int i = 0; i < data.length();) {  
	            results[k] = (byte) (Character.digit(data.charAt(i++), 16) << 4);  
	            results[k] += (byte) (Character.digit(data.charAt(i++), 16));  
	        return results;  
	     * @param args 
	 public static void main(String[] args) { 
	/*	 KeyPair keyPair = generateKeypair(1024, "");
		 String pwd = "11111111";
      System.out.println(jCryption.toPublicKeyString());  */
