1. 程式人生 > >關於ShallowEtagHeaderFilter 大檔案下載Out of memory問題解決

關於ShallowEtagHeaderFilter 大檔案下載Out of memory問題解決

最近解決大檔案下載的問題,遇到一個"Out of memory"的exception。建廠controller層的程式碼,發現是用BufferdOutputStream寫入Response中的,緩衝區也只有8m,按理說不應該出現記憶體溢位的。




 * The filter is used for resolving the big file download problem when using
 * {@link ShallowEtagHeaderFilter}. The urls on the black list will be passed
 * directly to the next filter in the chain, the others will be filtered as
 * before.
 * <p>
 * Sample:<br>
 * {@code <filter>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp {@code<filter-name>BigFileEtagFilter</filter-name>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp
 * {@code<filter-class>com.coderli.filter.BigFileDownloadEtagHeaderFilter</filter-class>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp {@code<!-- url sperators includes: blank space ; , and /r/n.
 * Black list is optional.>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp {@code<init-param>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp {@code<param-name>blackListURL</param-name>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp
 * {@code <param-value> /aa /bb/** /cc/* </param-value>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp {@code</init-param>}<br>
 * {@code</filter>}<br>
 * {@code<filter-mapping>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp {@code<filter-name>BigFileEtagFilter</filter-name>}<br>
 * &amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp {@code<url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>}<br>
 * {@code</filter-mapping>}
 * @author 
[email protected]
* @date 2014-9-12 9:46:38 */
public class BigFileDownloadEtagHeaderFilter extends ShallowEtagHeaderFilter { private final String[] NULL_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; private final String URL_SPLIT_PATTERN = &quot;[, ;\r\n]&quot;; private final PathMatcher pathMatcher
= new AntPathMatcher(); private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(BigFileDownloadEtagHeaderFilter.class); // url while list // private String[] whiteListURLs = null; // url black list private String[] blackListURLs = null; @Override public final void initFilterBean() { initConfig(); } @Override protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException { String reqUrl = request.getPathInfo(); if (isBlackURL(reqUrl)) { logger.debug(&quot;Current url {} is on the black list.&quot;, reqUrl); filterChain.doFilter(request, response); } else { super.doFilterInternal(request, response, filterChain); } } private void initConfig() { // No need white list now. // String whiteListURLStr = getFilterConfig().getInitParameter( // &quot;whiteListURL&quot;); // whiteListURLs = strToArray(whiteListURLStr); String blackListURLStr = getFilterConfig().getInitParameter( &quot;blackListURL&quot;); blackListURLs = strToArray(blackListURLStr); } // No need white list now. // private boolean isWhiteURL(String currentURL) { // for (String whiteURL : whiteListURLs) { // if (pathMatcher.match(whiteURL, currentURL)) { // logger.debug( // &quot;url filter : white url list matches : [{}] match [{}] continue&quot;, // whiteURL, currentURL); // return true; // } // logger.debug( // &quot;url filter : white url list not matches : [{}] match [{}]&quot;, // whiteURL, currentURL); // } // return false; // } private boolean isBlackURL(String currentURL) { for (String blackURL : blackListURLs) { if (pathMatcher.match(blackURL, currentURL)) { logger.debug( &quot;url filter : black url list matches : [{}] match [{}] break&quot;, blackURL, currentURL); return true; } logger.debug( &quot;url filter : black url list not matches : [{}] match [{}]&quot;, blackURL, currentURL); } return false; } private String[] strToArray(String urlStr) { if (urlStr == null) { return NULL_STRING_ARRAY; } String[] urlArray = urlStr.split(URL_SPLIT_PATTERN); List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String url : urlArray) { url = url.trim(); if (url.length() == 0) { continue; } urlList.add(url); } return urlList.toArray(NULL_STRING_ARRAY); } }
