1. 程式人生 > >【Codeforces Round 323 (Div 2)B】【貪心】Robot's Task 最少轉彎次數拿走所有物品

【Codeforces Round 323 (Div 2)B】【貪心】Robot's Task 最少轉彎次數拿走所有物品


In the first sample you can assemble all the pieces of information in the optimal manner by assembling first the piece of information in the first computer, then in the third one, then change direction and move to the second one, and then, having 2 pieces of information, collect the last piece.

In the second sample to collect all the pieces of information in the optimal manner, Doc can go to the fourth computer and get the piece of information, then go to the fifth computer with one piece and get another one, then go to the second computer in the same manner, then to the third one and finally, to the first one. Changes of direction will take place before moving from the fifth to the second computer, then from the second to the third computer, then from the third to the first computer.

In the third sample the optimal order of collecting parts from computers can look like that: 1->3->4->6->2->5->7.