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系統技術非業餘研究 » Erlang R17新特性淺評

Erlang R17RC2 原始碼已經就緒, 參見 這裡
後續版本的釋出時間,官方的時間安排參見 這裡,摘抄如下:

Preliminary dates for the upcoming release:
Release: erts, emu,comp |Code stop |Documentation stop |Release Date

17.0-rc2 2014-02-21 2014-02-21 2014-02-21 2014-02-26
17.0 2014-03-10 2014-03-17 2014-03-19 2014-03-26

We will focus the time between 17.0-rc2 and 17.0 on bug fixes, improvements, and testing. Therefore you are most welcome to submit patches regarding such issues and we will try our best to include them before 17.0 is released.
Especially bugs introduced in 17.0-rcX.

R17 release note在 這裡,閃亮點摘抄如下:

Maps, a new dictionary data type (experimental) 支援map資料結構,這是語言層面很大的變化,除了虛擬機器和編譯器的支援外,外圍工具如debugger,profiler, ei, dialyzer等整個體系都需要大幅改變支援。

The {active, N} socket option for TCP, UDP, and SCTP 參看這篇:inet驅動新增加{active,N} socket選項

A new (optional) scheduler utilization balancing mechanism 這個特性改變了原來排程器full or not(在排程器用滿之前,不會再用新的排程器)的特點, 添加了一種排程器之間利用率儘量平衡的排程演算法。參見這篇:R17新的排程策略+sub

Migration of memory carriers has been enabled by default on all ERTS internal memory allocators 記憶體carriers在不同的排程器之間會互相遷移,提高記憶體的利用率。

Increased garbage collection tenure rate 垃圾回收更友好,同時非同步化

Miscellaneous unicode support enhancements 全線支援unicode

A new, semantic version scheme for OTP and its applications 版本號管理更細緻。

總體來看,VM的變化更多向著非同步化和高效能(記憶體使用效率、CPU排程效率)的方向快速前進,系統也越來越強健, 一年一個大版本也很快。


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