1. 程式人生 > >《PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification》

《PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification》

從圖中看到,整個網路有三個關鍵步驟,Patch-mean removal 、 PCA filter convolution與Binary quantization &mapping ,分別是區域性均值化、PCA卷積、二值化與直方圖對映

圖片矩陣 InImg(m*n)
取樣矩陣大小 patchsize12=[k1,k2]
圖片通道數 chl(預設為1)
在輸入的矩陣InImg上,按行滑動取樣矩陣,得到patch,每個patch按列展開,減去均值成為輸出矩陣im的列,所以輸出矩陣im為 k

1k2 行,(mk1)(nk2)

function im = im2col_mean_removal(varargin)

NumInput = length(varargin);
InImg = varargin{1};
patchsize12 = varargin{2}; 

z = size(InImg,3);
im = cell(z,1);
if NumInput == 2
    for i = 1:z
        iim = im2colstep(InImg(:,:,i),patchsize12); %視窗取樣,然後按列展開為列向量
= bsxfun(@minus, iim, mean(iim))'; %去均值 % iim = bsxfun(@minus, iim, mean(iim)); % im{i} = bsxfun(@minus, iim, mean(iim,2))'; end else for i = 1:z iim = im2colstep(InImg(:,:,i),patchsize12,varargin{3}); im{i} = bsxfun(@minus, iim, mean(iim))'; % iim = bsxfun(@minus, iim, mean(iim)); % im{i} = bsxfun(@minus, iim, mean(iim,2))'
; end end im = [im{:}]';

輸入為InImg (cell structure)
PatchSize 取樣視窗大小
NumFilter 提取主成分個數

function V = PCA_FilterBank(InImg, PatchSize, NumFilters) 
% =======INPUT=============
% InImg            Input images (cell structure)  
% PatchSize        the patch size, asumed to an odd number.
% NumFilters       the number of PCA filters in the bank.
% =======OUTPUT============
% V                PCA filter banks, arranged in column-by-column manner
% =========================


% to efficiently cope with the large training samples, if the number of training we randomly subsample 10000 the
% training set to learn PCA filter banks
ImgZ = length(InImg);
MaxSamples = 100000;
NumRSamples = min(ImgZ, MaxSamples); 
RandIdx = randperm(ImgZ);
RandIdx = RandIdx(1:NumRSamples);

%% Learning PCA filters (V)
NumChls = size(InImg{1},3);
Rx = zeros(NumChls*PatchSize^2,NumChls*PatchSize^2); %儲存均值取樣後的矩陣

for i = RandIdx %1:ImgZ
    im = im2col_mean_removal(InImg{i},[PatchSize PatchSize]); % collect all the patches of the ith image in a matrix, and perform patch mean removal
    %%這裡的Rx即對應文章中的 X 矩陣
    Rx = Rx + im*im'; % sum of all the input images' covariance matrix
Rx = Rx/(NumRSamples*size(im,2));
[E D] = eig(Rx);    %%特徵值分解
[~, ind] = sort(diag(D),'descend');

V = E(:,ind(1:NumFilters));  % principal eigenvectors 

輸入InImg 圖片矩陣
InImgIdx InImg矩陣的Id號
PatchSize 取樣視窗大小
NumFilters 前一步提取的特徵向量的個數
V 前一步提取的特徵向量
對輸入的每張圖片矩陣,對其邊界填充0,以調整其大小為 (m+k11)(n+k21),然後呼叫im2col_mean_removal.m函式,得到im矩陣(k1k2mn),im矩陣和前一步得到的NumFilters 個特徵向量分別作卷積,然後恢復為mn的矩陣,最後輸出的卷積後圖像數目為輸入數目的NumFilters倍

function [OutImg OutImgIdx] = PCA_output(InImg, InImgIdx, PatchSize, NumFilters, V)
% Computing PCA filter outputs
% ======== INPUT ============
% InImg         Input images (cell structure); each cell can be either a matrix (Gray) or a 3D tensor (RGB)   
% InImgIdx      Image index for InImg (column vector)
% PatchSize     Patch size (or filter size); the patch is set to be sqaure
% NumFilters    Number of filters at the stage right before the output layer 
% V             PCA filter banks (cell structure); V{i} for filter bank in the ith stage  
% ======== OUTPUT ===========
% OutImg           filter output (cell structure)
% OutImgIdx        Image index for OutImg (column vector)
% OutImgIND        Indices of input patches that generate "OutImg"
% ===========================

ImgZ = length(InImg);
mag = (PatchSize-1)/2;
OutImg = cell(NumFilters*ImgZ,1); 
cnt = 0;
for i = 1:ImgZ
    [ImgX, ImgY, NumChls] = size(InImg{i});
    img = zeros(ImgX+PatchSize-1,ImgY+PatchSize-1, NumChls);

    img((mag+1):end-mag,(mag+1):end-mag,:) = InImg{i};     
    im = im2col_mean_removal(img,[PatchSize PatchSize]); % collect all the patches of the ith image in a matrix, and perform patch mean removal
    for j = 1:NumFilters
     %% 和每一個濾波器做卷積
        OutImg{cnt} = reshape(V(:,j)'*im,ImgX,ImgY);  % convolution output
    InImg{i} = [];   %%釋放記憶體空間
OutImgIdx = kron(InImgIdx,ones(NumFilters,1));   %%記錄每張圖片的id

輸入OutImg 影象矩陣
ImgIdx id號

function [f BlkIdx] = HashingHist(PCANet,ImgIdx,OutImg)
% Output layer of PCANet (Hashing plus local histogram)
% ========= INPUT ============
% PCANet  PCANet parameters (struct)
%       .PCANet.NumStages      
%           the number of stages in PCANet; e.g., 2  
%       .PatchSize
%           the patch size (filter size) for square patches; e.g., [5 3]
%           means patch size equalt to 5 and 3 in the first stage and second stage, respectively 
%       .NumFilters
%           the number of filters in each stage; e.g., [16 8] means 16 and
%           8 filters in the first stage and second stage, respectively
%       .HistBlockSize 
%           the size of each block for local histogram; e.g., [10 10]
%       .BlkOverLapRatio 
%           overlapped block region ratio; e.g., 0 means no overlapped 
%           between blocks, and 0.3 means 30% of blocksize is overlapped 
%       .Pyramid
%           spatial pyramid matching; e.g., [1 2 4], and [] if no Pyramid
%           is applied
% ImgIdx  Image index for OutImg (column vector)
% OutImg  PCA filter output before the last stage (cell structure)
% ========= OUTPUT ===========
% f       PCANet features (each column corresponds to feature of each image)
% BlkIdx  index of local block from which the histogram is compuated
% ============================

NumImg = max(ImgIdx);
f = cell(NumImg,1);
map_weights = 2.^((PCANet.NumFilters(end)-1):-1:0); % weights for binary to decimal conversion

for Idx = 1:NumImg

    Idx_span = find(ImgIdx == Idx);
    NumOs = length(Idx_span)/PCANet.NumFilters(end); % the number of "O"s
    Bhist = cell(NumOs,1);

    for i = 1:NumOs 

        T = 0;
        ImgSize = size(OutImg{Idx_span(PCANet.NumFilters(end)*(i-1) + 1)});
        for j = 1:PCANet.NumFilters(end)
            T = T + map_weights(j)*Heaviside(OutImg{Idx_span(PCANet.NumFilters(end)*(i-1)+j)}); 
            % weighted combination; hashing codes to decimal number conversion

            OutImg{Idx_span(PCANet.NumFilters(end)*(i-1)+j)} = [];

        if isempty(PCANet.HistBlockSize)
            NumBlk = ceil((PCANet.ImgBlkRatio - 1)./PCANet.BlkOverLapRatio) + 1;
            HistBlockSize = ceil(size(T)./PCANet.ImgBlkRatio);
            OverLapinPixel = ceil((size(T) - HistBlockSize)./(NumBlk - 1));
            NImgSize = (NumBlk-1).*OverLapinPixel + HistBlockSize;
            Tmp = zeros(NImgSize);
            Tmp(1:size(T,1), 1:size(T,2)) = T;
            Bhist{i} = sparse(histc(im2col_general(Tmp,HistBlockSize,...

            stride = round((1-PCANet.BlkOverLapRatio)*PCANet.HistBlockSize); 
            %%  得到直方圖
            blkwise_fea = sparse(histc(im2col_general(T,PCANet.HistBlockSize,...
            % calculate histogram for each local block in "T"

           if ~isempty(PCANet.Pyramid)
                x_start = ceil(PCANet.HistBlockSize(2)/2);
                y_start = ceil(PCANet.HistBlockSize(1)/2);
                x_end = floor(ImgSize(2) - PCANet.HistBlockSize(2)/2);
                y_end = floor(ImgSize(1) - PCANet.HistBlockSize(1)/2);

                sam_coordinate = [...
                    kron(x_start:stride:x_end,ones(1,length(y_start:stride: y_end))); 
                    kron(ones(1,length(x_start:stride:x_end)),y_start:stride: y_end)];               

                blkwise_fea = spp(blkwise_fea, sam_coordinate, ImgSize, PCANet.Pyramid)';

                blkwise_fea = bsxfun(@times, blkwise_fea, ...

           Bhist{i} = blkwise_fea;

    f{Idx} = vec([Bhist{:}]');

    if ~isempty(PCANet.Pyramid)
        f{Idx} = sparse(f{Idx}/norm(f{Idx}));
f = [f{:}];

if ~isempty(PCANet.Pyramid)
    BlkIdx = kron((1:size(Bhist{1},1))',ones(length(Bhist)*size(Bhist{1},2),1));
    BlkIdx = kron(ones(NumOs,1),kron((1:size(Bhist{1},2))',ones(size(Bhist{1},1),1)));

function X = Heaviside(X) % binary quantization
X = sign(X);
X(X<=0) = 0;

function x = vec(X) % vectorization
x = X(:);

function beta = spp(blkwise_fea, sam_coordinate, ImgSize, pyramid)

[dSize, ~] = size(blkwise_fea);

img_width = ImgSize(2);
img_height = ImgSize(1);

% spatial levels
pyramid_Levels = length(pyramid);
pyramid_Bins = pyramid.^2;
tBins = sum(pyramid_Bins);

beta = zeros(dSize, tBins);
cnt = 0;

for i1 = 1:pyramid_Levels,

    Num_Bins = pyramid_Bins(i1);

    wUnit = img_width / pyramid(i1);
    hUnit = img_height / pyramid(i1);

    % find to which spatial bin each local descriptor belongs
    xBin = ceil(sam_coordinate(1,:) / wUnit);
    yBin = ceil(sam_coordinate(2,:) / hUnit);
    idxBin = (yBin - 1)*pyramid(i1) + xBin;

    for i2 = 1:Num_Bins,     
        cnt = cnt + 1;
        sidxBin = find(idxBin == i2);
        if isempty(sidxBin),
        beta(:, cnt) = max(blkwise_fea(:, sidxBin), [], 2);


function [f V BlkIdx] = PCANet_train(InImg,PCANet,IdtExt)
% =======INPUT=============
% InImg     Input images (cell); each cell can be either a matrix (Gray) or a 3D tensor (RGB)  
% PCANet    PCANet parameters (struct)
%       .PCANet.NumStages      
%           the number of stages in PCANet; e.g., 2  
%       .PatchSize
%           the patch size (filter size) for square patches; e.g., [5 3]
%           means patch size equalt to 5 and 3 in the first stage and second stage, respectively 
%       .NumFilters
%           the number of filters in each stage; e.g., [16 8] means 16 and
%           8 filters in the first stage and second stage, respectively
%       .HistBlockSize 
%           the size of each block for local histogram; e.g., [10 10]
%       .BlkOverLapRatio 
%           overlapped block region ratio; e.g., 0 means no overlapped 
%           between blocks, and 0.3 means 30% of blocksize is overlapped 
%       .Pyramid
%           spatial pyramid matching; e.g., [1 2 4], and [] if no Pyramid
%           is applied
% IdtExt    a number in {0,1}; 1 do feature extraction, and 0 otherwise  
% =======OUTPUT============
% f         PCANet features (each column corresponds to feature of each image)
% V         learned PCA filter banks (cell)
% BlkIdx    index of local block from which the histogram is compuated
% =========================


if length(PCANet.NumFilters)~= PCANet.NumStages;

NumImg = length(InImg);  %總的訓練圖片的數目

V = cell(PCANet.NumStages,1); 
OutImg = InImg; 
ImgIdx = (1:NumImg)';
clear InImg; 

for stage = 1:PCANet.NumStages
    display(['Computing PCA filter bank and its outputs at stage ' num2str(stage) '...'])

    V{stage} = PCA_FilterBank(OutImg, PCANet.PatchSize(stage), PCANet.NumFilters(stage)); % compute PCA filter banks

    if stage ~= PCANet.NumStages % compute the PCA outputs only when it is NOT the last stage
        [OutImg ImgIdx] = PCA_output(OutImg, ImgIdx, ...
            PCANet.PatchSize(stage), PCANet.NumFilters(stage), V{stage});  

if IdtExt == 1 % enable feature extraction
    %display('PCANet training feature extraction...') 

    f = cell(NumImg,1); % compute the PCANet training feature one by one 

    for idx = 1:NumImg
        if 0==mod(idx,100); display(['Extracting PCANet feasture of the ' num2str(idx) 'th training sample...']); end
        OutImgIndex = ImgIdx==idx; % select feature maps corresponding to image "idx" (outputs of the-last-but-one PCA filter bank) 

        [OutImg_i ImgIdx_i] = PCA_output(OutImg(OutImgIndex), ones(sum(OutImgIndex),1),...
            PCANet.PatchSize(end), PCANet.NumFilters(end), V{end});  % compute the last PCA outputs of image "idx"

        [f{idx} BlkIdx] = HashingHist(PCANet,ImgIdx_i,OutImg_i); % compute the feature of image "idx"
         fprintf('%d %d\n',size(f{idx}));%print(size(f{idx}));
%        [f{idx} BlkIdx] = SphereSum(PCANet,ImgIdx_i,OutImg_i); % Testing!!
        OutImg(OutImgIndex) = cell(sum(OutImgIndex),1); 

    f = sparse([f{:}]);

else  % disable feature extraction
    f = [];
    BlkIdx = [];