1. 程式人生 > >西瓜書《機器學習》課後答案——Chapter3_3.3


3.3 程式設計實現對率迴歸,並給出西瓜資料集3.0alpha(89頁表4.9)上的結果。

Author: Victoria
Created on: 2017.9.14 11:00
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xlrd

def sigmoid(x):
    Sigmoid function.
        y: the same shape with x
    y =1.0
/ ( 1 + np.exp(-x)) return y def newton(X, y): """ Input: X: np.array with shape [N, 3]. Input. y: np.array with shape [N, 1]. Label. Return: beta: np.array with shape [1, 3]. Optimal params with newton method """ N = X.shape[0] #initialization beta = np.ones((1
, 3)) #shape [N, 1] z = X.dot(beta.T) #log-likehood old_l = 0 new_l = np.sum(-y*z + np.log( 1+np.exp(z) ) ) iters = 0 while( np.abs(old_l-new_l) > 1e-5): #shape [N, 1] p1 = np.exp(z) / (1 + np.exp(z)) #shape [N, N] p = np.diag((p1 * (1-p1)).reshape(N)) #shape [1, 3]
first_order = -np.sum(X * (y - p1), 0, keepdims=True) #shape [3, 3] second_order = X.T .dot(p).dot(X) #update beta -= first_order.dot(np.linalg.inv(second_order)) z = X.dot(beta.T) old_l = new_l new_l = np.sum(-y*z + np.log( 1+np.exp(z) ) ) iters += 1 print "iters: ", iters print new_l return beta def gradDescent(X, y): """ Input: X: np.array with shape [N, 3]. Input. y: np.array with shape [N, 1]. Label. Return: beta: np.array with shape [1, 3]. Optimal params with gradient descent method """ N = X.shape[0] lr = 0.05 #initialization beta = np.ones((1, 3)) * 0.1 #shape [N, 1] z = X.dot(beta.T) for i in range(150): #shape [N, 1] p1 = np.exp(z) / (1 + np.exp(z)) #shape [N, N] p = np.diag((p1 * (1-p1)).reshape(N)) #shape [1, 3] first_order = -np.sum(X * (y - p1), 0, keepdims=True) #update beta -= first_order * lr z = X.dot(beta.T) l = np.sum(-y*z + np.log( 1+np.exp(z) ) ) print l return beta if __name__=="__main__": #read data from xlsx file workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("3.0alpha.xlsx") sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name("Sheet1") X1 = np.array(sheet.row_values(0)) X2 = np.array(sheet.row_values(1)) #this is the extension of x X3 = np.array(sheet.row_values(2)) y = np.array(sheet.row_values(3)) X = np.vstack([X1, X2, X3]).T y = y.reshape(-1, 1) #plot training data for i in range(X1.shape[0]): if y[i, 0] == 0: plt.plot(X1[i], X2[i], 'r+') else: plt.plot(X1[i], X2[i], 'bo') #get optimal params beta with newton method beta = newton(X, y) newton_left = -( beta[0, 0]*0.1 + beta[0, 2] ) / beta[0, 1] newton_right = -( beta[0, 0]*0.9 + beta[0, 2] ) / beta[0, 1] plt.plot([0.1, 0.9], [newton_left, newton_right], 'g-') #get optimal params beta with gradient descent method beta = gradDescent(X, y) grad_descent_left = -( beta[0, 0]*0.1 + beta[0, 2] ) / beta[0, 1] grad_descent_right = -( beta[0, 0]*0.9 + beta[0, 2] ) / beta[0, 1] plt.plot([0.1, 0.9], [grad_descent_left, grad_descent_right], 'y-') plt.xlabel('density') plt.ylabel('sugar rate') plt.title("LR") plt.show()
