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Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine

AI and Divorce: It’s a Thing

The development of technology has impacted everyday life for humans in a fascinating way. Only a few, short decades ago, it was impossible to contact anyone unless they were at home in hearing range of the telephone likely mounted on the kitchen wall. Now, people can hardly go an hour, let alone a whole day, without reaching for their phone to check messages.

While smartphones are an obvious mark of the rise of modern technology, technology marks society in more ways than we realize. One of these ways is the impact of artificial intelligence on divorce.

Top 3 Most Popular Ai Articles:

How AI and Divorce Overlap

It may be hard to fathom how AI and divorce can mix well, but the truth is, AI can really be used to help people with just about anything. It is used to mimic human thinking, and with the use of the internet — which some believe to be

the greatest reflection of humanity — can be used in any number of ways.

As it pertains to divorce, one of the ways AI can help is with the business side of the matter. According to the University of Alabama in Birmingham, AI is especially making its mark on information technology:

With big data in general, human employees may not be able to analyze the vast amounts of data streaming through their daily operations. This is especially true in larger organizations. This is why AI can easily become an essential tool for decision-making and analyzing key data sets. Essentially, AI fills in the gaps between human ability and big data. This frees up time for IT professionals to focus on matters that need attention the most and relieves them of the burden of real-time decisions or time-consuming troubleshooting.

This can make it so the human focus is more on divorce clients rather than the data. The hours this frees up are invaluable, especially when the calculations are overall more accurate than what they would be with human error thrown into the equation.

E-Divorce as a Quicker and Cheaper Option

AI might seem to belong only in the most technical settings, but the more it grows, the more it takes on roles in our lives. One of the most prominent examples of this is Amazon’s AI assistant, Alexa. Just as Alexa can help people complete everyday tasks, AI can be used to help make the process of divorce easier.

AI has earned its place in law firms and the legal sector by streamlining certain legal tasks, including:

  • Reviewing documents
  • Performing legal research
  • Helping to perform due diligence
  • Contract and review management

Specifically in relation to divorce lawyers, AI could help couples resolve their issues faster and cheaper by giving them insight as to what a judge might rule. Additionally, online conflict resolution can be a good resource for people in the middle class to use, as they might not have enough money for a lawyer, but also might not qualify for legal aid.

According to an interview with Business Insider, South Australia Legal Services Commission director Gabrielle Canny, AI can help couples find a resolution earlier. “Technology, including so-called ‘robot lawyers’, is not designed to replace lawyers and cannot resolve all types of family law disagreements. But it can empower couples to reduce the areas of dispute. That can only be a good thing.”

Helping You Get On With Your Life

Moving on from divorce is a messy process that is unique to each individual. While it will be a difficult process no matter what, you can use AI tools for your personal life to help you recover faster.

For example, being financially independent after divorce can be a daunting task, but it must be done. Financial tools such as Abe, Bond, or Olivia can help you through it.These tools can help you with financial advice, reaching your financial goals, and help you manage your finances.

You’ll also want to take time and space for yourself to heal during and after the process. Again, AI can help with that. For example, you can get some mental health care or advice from AI tools like Amélie. Healing can also be especially difficult if you still live with your ex, or soon-to-be-ex. If you haven’t figured out separate living arrangements yet, consider all your options. You can rent a temporary place in the meantime using the AirBnB app while you figure out a more permanent alternative, like buying a tiny home and live on a family’s property, so you don’t have to crash at someone else’s place.

Taking care of yourself after divorce and learning to live an independent life is not easy, but leveraging AI to your advantage can ease the burden off your shoulders.