1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Stats about “Who is Hiring” thread?

Ask HN: Stats about “Who is Hiring” thread?

Every month these HN "Who is Hiring" threads are posted. I was wondering if anyone kept some form of statistics for their job applications to these places.

Like, I would be curious to know, when you send out an application to a job that is at least a reasonable match, what percentage of companies do you actually hear back from? ("Hearing back from" defined as, you get a rejection email, or they contact you for more info or an interview/screening call; but NOT the automated mails some companies send to let you know they received your application.)

I would also like to know things like:

- how many of such applications lead to an interview vs instant rejection

- how do these percentages compare to places like Dice, StackOverflow, etc, or just "non-HN" or even "all applications to anybody"

I am keeping some stats about this myself, although not as detailed as I would like. As of today, I have been hearing back (in some form or another) from about 51% of applications to HN job postings. This is a bit higher than for the total number of applications, which is currently at 42%.

Anyway, I am curious to hear if anybody else keeps similar data.