1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: How to give cryptocurrency to people in need

Ask HN: How to give cryptocurrency to people in need

My name is Joe Waltman and I a recently started working with GiveCrypto.org, a non-profit that was started by Brian Armstrong. I somewhat stumbled into this job after my previous company (VetPronto) went out of business. I am far from an expert on cryptocurrency and have zero experience working with non-profits.

GiveCrypto.org aims to help by making direct transfers of cryptocurrency. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the best way to help poor people is to give them cash, rather than traditional support like food, medicine or training.

One of the big challenges for GiveCrypto.org is finding people that are both in need and can use cryptocurrency. I've done some experimentation (https://medium.com/givecrypto/givecrypto-work-trial-a-new-financial-system-a-new-opportunity-7f564b65aff5) and it is a quite a brain teaser. There is a sad irony wrapped around this problem; the poorer you are, the more 'expensive' it is for you to make use of cryptocurrency. I'd love to tap into the HN network to help brainstorm clever ways to get cryptocurrency into the hands of people that need it.

Thanks in advance.