1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Simple administration of a Postgresql HA cluster?

Ask HN: Simple administration of a Postgresql HA cluster?

Postgresql is my go-to database for a couple of years, but so far I had operated most of my DBs on a single machine with ad-hoc backups. I'm also operating a CockroachDB cluster, and I really like the simple administration of it: joining and upgrading a node is seamless. It has some rough edges, but most of the time it doesn't take more than a few minutes of my time.

Is there a similarly simple cluster administration for Postgres? Ideally it should be dockerized, multi-master (master-slave may be a fallback if everything else is there), and at minimum capable of electing a new master and continuing operations.

What are the tools that you are currently using for such setup?