1. 程式人生 > >AI for marketing: could technology ever replace your CMO?

AI for marketing: could technology ever replace your CMO?

Most of us can position ourselves somewhere on The AI Fear Continuum. For nearly 100 years, science fiction writers have prepared us for the worst as they explored scenarios from Hollywood 1927's Metropolis to adaptations of Isaac Asimov's I, Robot and Philip K Dick's Do Androids Dream Electric Sheep (famously the basis for Blade Runner). We're ready to be tricked (Alien), enslaved (The Matrix), killed (West World) or even have our whole species wiped out (Terminator). Conversely, news stories about AI feel overwhelmingly positive, informing us that AI is saving the day in sectors as diverse as health care, law and climate change. Marketing professionals have two key points to consider; claims that AI can help to make marketing more creative and effective, and claims that it will make many of our job roles surplus to requirements.