1. 程式人生 > >MobiLimb adds a FINGER to your phone that strokes your wrist and mimes emoji to you

MobiLimb adds a FINGER to your phone that strokes your wrist and mimes emoji to you

The future of smartphones might not be flashy technology like augmented reality, but a device that actually takes a page from the real world - at least, if one researcher has his way. Marc Teyssier, a PhD student at the University of Paris-Saclay in France, has developed the'MobiLimb,' a robotic finger that turns into a phone accessory when it's plugged into a USB port. It serves as a literal helping hand, functioning as a phone stand, extra grip to hold onto your phone or a way to act out emojis. The robotic finger is fitted with a series of actuators and sensors that allow it to move and interact with users. Actuators, or motors, are mounted in each link of the finger to give it a full range of motion.