1. 程式人生 > >Robots set to create over 100 million jobs by 2022

Robots set to create over 100 million jobs by 2022

Robots aren't the job-pilfering monsters that Hollywood's sci-fi community would have you believe, with the World Economic Forum (WEF) predicting in its 2018 "Future of Jobs Report" that they'll create 133 million jobs by 2022. Robots routinely feature in unease-inducing narratives about the dangers of autonomous machines, with opponents arguing that the futuristic entities will soon be hoovering up our jobs. While it's true that robots will be able to take on jobs previously performed by humans – much like mechanisation did for agriculture – experts reckon they'll actually generate more jobs than they drain. As a prominent the Switzerland-based WEF has shed some statistical light on the situation, predicting that, while robots will displace in the region of 75 million jobs by 2022, they'll create 133 million new ones. Advances in computing are being held responsible for net growth of jobs worldwide, with the WEF advising that they will free workers up for new tasks.