1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: How worried should I be about electromagnetic radiation in my home?

Ask HN: How worried should I be about electromagnetic radiation in my home?

I just watched the somewhat concerning documentary "Take Back Your Power" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZTiT9ZSg3Q ) and was left with some questions.

I'm very sympathetic to the privacy concerns people have regarding "smart meters". They clearly can be abused to provide high-resolution data on energy usage in a household, which could allow estimation of number of people residing, when they're home or away, what appliances they're using, etc. with the same lack of accountability that all data collection in the United States is subject to.

The health concerns, though, I have no real skill at evaluating. People in the movie claim that some smart meters use the electrical wiring in the home as a large antenna, and thus create large amounts of radio frequency radiation when transmitting, leading to numerous health problems. There are also claims about the cancer risk of nearby cell towers and of EMF radiation in general.

Unlike information technology, the physical effects of radio waves are not my area of expertise. Are these concerns well-placed, or is this mere fear-mongering? Should I go buy an EMF meter and inspect my home? (I was looking at this: https://www.amazon.com/Meterk-Electromagnetic-Radiation-Detector-Dosimeter/dp/B0754VVW4W/ref=sr_1_3 )