1. 程式人生 > >DOT issues new guidance for automated vehicles

DOT issues new guidance for automated vehicles

The Department of Transportation has released new guidance for automated vehicles that identifies and supports the development of voluntary technical standards, defines government's roles, describes a risk-management framework for safety and provides a process for working with the department on this technology. This non-binding guidance, "Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0," was announced by the department on Oct. 4. AV 3.0 prioritizes safety and technical neutrality and minimizes regulation, while promoting operational and legal consistency across states and throughout the transportation industry. The document is meant to clarify some safety standards in hopes of building public trust and confidence in automated vehicle technology, DOT Secretary Elaine L. Chao said at a press conference announcing the report. "AV 3.0 builds upon but does not replace voluntary guidance provided in "2.0 A Vision for Safety," Chao said.