1. 程式人生 > >A powerful machine learning system used by Microsoft has been released to the world

A powerful machine learning system used by Microsoft has been released to the world

A machine learning system that's so advanced it's been used to gain a new understanding of childhood asthma has been made available for everyone to use. Microsoft's Infer.NET has been released on the open-source site GitHub, which means anyone can now place the intelligent machine learning technology into the programs and apps they are building. The system is unique because it will create a bespoke learning algorithm for an individual and their data model, so they don't have to try to create a program using a widely-available standard algorithm that may not be a perfect match. Because the learning algorithm is compiled for a unique dataset, the person who designed it can also understand why the system behaves in a certain way when it's running. Infer.NET has been used to try to understand and predict childhood asthma, leading to "the potential of significant clinical impact".