1. 程式人生 > >卡爾曼濾波原理及工具箱應用



卡爾曼全名Rudolf Emil Kalman,匈牙利數學家,1930年出生於匈牙利首都布達佩斯。1953,1954年於麻省理工學院分別獲得電機工程學士及碩士學位。1957年於哥倫比亞大學獲得博士學位。我們現在要學習的卡爾曼濾波器,正是源於他的博士論文和1960年發表的論文《A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems》(線性濾波與預測問題的新方法)。如果對這編論文有興趣,可以到這裡的地址下載: 


簡單來說,卡爾曼濾波器是一個“optimal recursive data processing algorithm(最優化自迴歸資料處理演算法)”。對於解決很大部分的問題,他是最優,效率最高甚至是最有用的。他的廣泛應用已經超過30年,包括機器人導航,控制,感測器資料融合甚至在軍事方面的雷達系統以及導彈追蹤等等。近年來更被應用於計算機影象處理,例如頭臉識別,影象分割,影象邊緣檢測等等。


(Introduction to the Kalman Filter)



假設我們要研究的物件是一個房間的溫度。根據你的經驗判斷,這個房間的溫度是恆定的,也就是下一分鐘的溫度等於現在這一分鐘的溫度(假設我們用一分鐘來做時間單位)。假設你對你的經驗不是100%的相信,可能會有上下偏差幾度。我們把這些偏差看成是高斯白噪聲(White Gaussian Noise),也就是這些偏差跟前後時間是沒有關係的而且符合高斯分配(Gaussian Distribution)。另外,我們在房間裡放一個溫度計,但是這個溫度計也不準確的,測量值會比實際值偏差。我們也把這些偏差看成是高斯白噪聲。





就是這樣,卡爾曼濾波器就不斷的把covariance遞迴,從而估算出最優的溫度值。他執行的很快,而且它只保留了上一時刻的covariance。上面的Kg,就是卡爾曼增益(Kalman Gain)。他可以隨不同的時刻而改變他自己的值,是不是很神奇!



X(k)=A(k) X(k-1)+B U(k)+W(k)
Z(k)=H (k)X(k)+V(k)
Z(k)是k時刻的觀測值,H是觀測矩陣,表示人們對於k時刻狀態進行觀測時,獲取觀測量的機制。W(k)和V(k)分別表示狀態方程和觀測方程的噪聲。這個方程是描述觀測第k時刻目標狀態的機理。在實際問題中,通常假設A(k)=A,H(k) = H.因此我們可以看出,在應用卡爾曼濾波時,首先必須要給出運動方程和觀測方程,也就是說,要對目標運動及觀測過程進行建模,並且模型是線性的,稱之為"Model-based"。這是卡爾曼濾波最大的一個缺陷。
假設W和V為高斯白噪聲(White Gaussian Noise),他們的covariance 分別是Q,R(這裡我們假設他們不隨系統狀態變化而變化)。
X(k|k-1)=A X(k-1|k-1)+B U(k) ………..                                 (1)
P(k|k-1)=A P(k-1|k-1) A’+Q ………                                       (2)
當第k時刻的觀測值Z(k)到達以後,我們希望利用它去修正第k個時刻的狀態預測值。怎麼去修正呢?當然是要用預測值中沒有的資訊去修正預測值了。因此Z(k)-H X(k|k-1)就是新的資訊。結合預測值和測量值,我們可以得到現在狀態(k)的最優化估算值X(k|k):
X(k|k)= X(k|k-1)+Kg(k) (Z(k)-H X(k|k-1)) ………                  (3)
其中Kg為卡爾曼增益(Kalman Gain):
Kg(k)= P(k|k-1) H’ / (H P(k|k-1) H’ + R) ………                    (4)
P(k|k)=(I-Kg(k) H)P(k|k-1) ………                                    (5)
其中I 為1的矩陣,對於單模型單測量,I=1。當系統進入k+1狀態時,P(k|k)就是式子(2)的P(k-1|k-1)。這樣,演算法就可以自迴歸的運算下去。
卡爾曼濾波器的原理基本描述了,式子1,2,3,4和5就是他的5 個基本公式。根據這5個公式,可以很容易用計算機程式設計實現。



Written by Kevin Murphy, 1998.

Last updated: 7 June 2004.

This toolbox supports filtering, smoothing and parameter estimation (using EM) for Linear Dynamical Systems.


  • kalman_filter
  • kalman_smoother - implements the RTS equations
  • learn_kalman - finds maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters using EM
  • sample_lds - generate random samples
  • AR_to_SS - convert Auto Regressive model of order k to State Space form
  • SS_to_AR
  • learn_AR - finds maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters using least squares

What is a Kalman filter?

For an excellent web site, see Welch/Bishop's KF page. For a brief intro, read on...

A Linear Dynamical System is a partially observed stochastic process with linear dynamics and linear observations, both subject to Gaussian noise. It can be defined as follows, where X(t) is the hidden state at time t, and Y(t) is the observation.

   x(t+1) = F*x(t) + w(t),  w ~ N(0, Q),  x(0) ~ N(X(0), V(0))
   y(t)   = H*x(t) + v(t),  v ~ N(0, R)

The Kalman filter is an algorithm for performing filtering on this model, i.e., computing P(X(t) | Y(1), ..., Y(t)).
The Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) algorithm performs fixed-interval offline smoothing, i.e., computing P(X(t) | Y(1), ..., Y(T)), for t <= T.

Example of Kalman filtering

Here is a simple example. Consider a particle moving in the plane at constant velocity subject to random perturbations in its trajectory. The new position (x1, x2) is the old position plus the velocity (dx1, dx2) plus noise w.

[ x1(t)  ] =  [1 0 1 0] [ x1(t-1)  ] + [ wx1  ]
[ x2(t)  ]    [0 1 0 1] [ x2(t-1)  ]   [ wx2  ]
[ dx1(t) ]    [0 0 1 0] [ dx1(t-1) ]   [ wdx1 ]
[ dx2(t) ]    [0 0 0 1] [ dx2(t-1) ]   [ wdx2 ]

We assume we only observe the position of the particle.

[ y1(t) ] =  [1 0 0 0] [ x1(t)  ] + [ vx1 ]
[ y2(t) ]    [0 1 0 0] [ x2(t)  ]   [ vx2 ]
                       [ dx1(t) ] 
                       [ dx2(t) ]

Suppose we start out at position (10,10) moving to the right with velocity (1,0). We sampled a random trajectory of length 15. Below we show the filtered and smoothed trajectories.

The mean squared error of the filtered estimate is 4.9; for the smoothed estimate it is 3.2. Not only is the smoothed estimate better, but we know that it is better, as illustrated by the smaller uncertainty ellipses; this can help in e.g., data association problems. Note how the smoothed ellipses are larger at the ends, because these points have seen less data. Also, note how rapidly the filtered ellipses reach their steady-state (Ricatti) values. (Click here to see the code used to generate this picture, which illustrates how easy it is to use the toolkit.)

What about non-linear and non-Gaussian systems?

For non-linear systems, I highly recommend the ReBEL Matlab package, which implements the extended Kalman filter, the unscented Kalman filter, etc. (See Unscented filtering and nonlinear estimation, S Julier and J Uhlmann, Proc. IEEE, 92(3), 401-422, 2004. Also, a small correction.)

For systems with non-Gaussian noise, I recommend Particle filtering (PF), which is a popular sequential Monte Carlo technique. See also this discussion on pros/cons of particle filters. and the following tutorial: M. Arulampalam, S. Maskell, N. Gordon, T. Clapp, "A Tutorial on Particle Filters for Online Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian Tracking," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 50, Number 2, February 2002, pp 174-189 (pdf cached here The EKF can be used as a proposal distribution for a PF. This method is better than either one alone. The Unscented Particle Filter, by R van der Merwe, A Doucet, JFG de Freitas and E Wan, May 2000.Matlab software for the UPF is also available.

Gatsby reading group on nonlinear dynamical systems

Other packages for Kalman filtering and state-space models

SSPIR package in R. The system identification toolbox from the Mathworks implements many classical algorithms.ARfit is an excellent package for autoregressive models.Zoubin Ghahramani has matlab code for EM in LDS's which is similar to mine, but is partially written in C.KBF, an implementation of the Kalman filter-smoother in Omatrix, a (supposedly faster) version of matlab.Le Sage's econometrics toolbox, contains lots of excellent matlab time series modelling functionsEconometric Links Econometrics Journal. Most of the software is either commercial or written in Gauss, which is similar to Matlab.SSF pack is a set of C routines for state-space filtering.Stamp is a commercial package for structural time series analysis. Statistical Time Series Analysis Toolbox O matrix Statistical Time Series Analysis Toolbox

Recommended reading

Welch & Bishop, Kalman filter web page, the best place to start.T. Minka, "From HMMs to LDSs", tech report.T. Minka, Bayesian inference in dynamic models -- an overview , tech report, 2002K. Murphy. "Filtering, Smoothing, and the Junction Tree Algorithm",. tech. report, 1998.Roweis, S. and Ghahramani, Z. (1999) A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models Neural Computation 11(2):305--345.M. Arulampalam, S. Maskell, N. Gordon, T. Clapp, "A Tutorial on Particle Filters for Online Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian Tracking," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 50, Number 2, February 2002, pp 174-189.A. Doucet, N. de Freitas and N.J. Gordon, "Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice", Springer-Verlag, 2000

