1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: What are your web dev preferences and interests today?

Ask HN: What are your web dev preferences and interests today?

The main technique that I choose is to build web applications using only web technologies - by that I mean tech that is included within the concept of "World Wide Web" and "HTTP" (links, pages, forms, buttons, etc.), rather than building using immature/unproven technologies such as single-page-application frameworks or other client-side rendered tech.

The reason I find it important enough to write in this reply is that there are so many web developers (actually, moreso web designers) that are absolutely sold on the concept of JavaScript running the whole stack, and I have found it very difficult to tame the development decisions of recent projects where working with others is a requirement.

There are certainly concepts that client-side frameworks have made popular that are much better for the developer and end user, but I have yet to see a valid argument for not rendering that page on the server and enhancing its functionality, where needed, using CSS and JavaScript. I don't want to bet the success of my product on an upcoming hot framework that overrides browser navigation/scrolling, as oftentimes when a client-side framework becomes very popular, it starts finding the same problems that the World Wide Web solved twenty years ago.