1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: How do you foster strong engineering culture in your organization?

Ask HN: How do you foster strong engineering culture in your organization?

* Instill a learning culture. An easy way to start is to do brown bag lunches/lunch and learn once a month. Ask engineers to volunteer to talk about things they're playing around with, or on anything they find particularly cool. Worst case scenario, play a conference talk from a recent conference during lunch. If there's interest, buy a subscription to Safari Books. Try to bring in interesting people to give engineering talks (ex-colleagues, if you have VC money maybe investors).

Invest in tools that provide feedback loops. Have tests with CI/CD. Set up linters so that code is consistent. Have monitoring tools in place that catch all errors and report them to the engineering team (even better is if it includes performance problems as well).

Use best practices and document those best practices, even simple stuff like blameless post-mortems.