1. 程式人生 > >overlooked brain region may be key to complex thought | AITopics

overlooked brain region may be key to complex thought | AITopics

The ornately folded outer layer of the human brain, the cerebral cortex, has long received nearly all the credit for our ability to perform complex cognitive tasks such as composing a sonata, imagining the plot of a novel or reflecting on our own thoughts. One explanation for how we got these abilities is that the cortex rapidly expanded relative to body size as primates evolved -- the human cortex has 10 times the surface area of a monkey's cortex, for example, and 1,000 times that of a mouse. But the cortex is not the only brain region that has gotten bigger and more complex throughout evolution. Nestled beneath the cortex, a pair of egg-shaped structures called the thalamus has also grown, and its wiring became much more intricate as mammals diverged from reptiles. The thalamus -- from the Greek thalamos, or inner chamber -- transmits 98 percent of sensory information to the cortex, including vision, taste, touch and balance; the only sense that doesn't pass through this brain region is smell.