1. 程式人生 > >The Real Problems with Neural Machine Translation

The Real Problems with Neural Machine Translation

TLDR: No! Your Machine Translation Model is not "prophesying", but let's look at the six major issues with neural machine translation (NMT). So I saw a Twitter thread today with the editor-in-chief of Motherboard tweeting, "Google Translate is popping out bizarre religious texts and no one is sure why". I am going to spend a little time on the "why" part (folks who work in MT know why), but mostly focus on actual problems with neural machine translation. The choice of headlines, the promotion tweet, and the tone of the article reminds me of all the irresponsible writing that went around the famous "Facebook Frankenstein" experiment. I would not be surprised if other media outlets picked up this Motherboard piece and ran ridiculous stories about machine translation conspiracy theories.