1. 程式人生 > >The Definite Mathematical Guide to Laughing Out Loud

The Definite Mathematical Guide to Laughing Out Loud

Using the Law of Syllogism, one can deduct that:

If one uses the phrase “Lol,” then moderate amusement was invoked as a result of the corresponding text. If moderate amusement was invoked as a result of the corresponding text, then one found your joke to be of mid-caliber quality.

Conclusion: if one uses the phrase “lol,” then one found your joke to be of mid-caliber quality.

If one uses the phrase “LOL,” then just above-average amusement was invoked as a result of the corresponding text. If just above-average amusement was invoked as a result of the corresponding text, then the text resulted in the recipient experiencing a sense of amusement that is 25% greater than the standard “lol.”

Conclusion: if one uses the phrase “LOL,” then the text resulted in the recipient experiencing a sense of amusement that is 25% greater than the standard “lol.”

If one uses the phrase “lolol,” then one experienced double (2x) the quantity of amusement that jokes which receive “lol” provide. If one experienced double (2x) the quantity of amusement that jokes which receive “lol” provide, then the recipient of the joke has as a result of the joke experienced a 100% increase in amusement as compared to the standard-grade “lol.”

Conclusion: if one uses the phrase “lolol,” then the recipient of the jokes has as a result of the joke experienced a 100% increase in amusement as compared to the standard-grade “lol.”

Lol = x

Note: Under the base system of measurement (Humor Internalized) x is defined as a base unit of measurement which is typically equal to a standard of a 100 in the level of Humor Internalized.

LOL = 25% times the value of x, or 0.25 * x plus x.

Example: x = 100. 0.25 * 100 plus 100. 0.25 * 100 equals 25, plus 100 equals 125.

Lolol = two times the value of lol, or x. 2x. In Humor Internalized form, typically considered to be 200.

Example: x = 100. 2x = 2(100) = 200.