1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: What happens if a Soyuz launch splashes down?

Ask HN: What happens if a Soyuz launch splashes down?

The LES parachutes people out and the kosmonaut suits are buoyant. Rescue involves helicopters.

If the craft somehow survives a bad reentry like you described, the procedure is same as in normal landing - the capsule is staged and parachutes down. Hopefully those systems work. See Soyuz 33 mission on how it's done. (That one was older design and complicated by bad decisions, but it mostly worked.)

It is buoyant and recovered by ship and/or helicopter. If the buoyancy is compromised, there are additional escape mechanisms involving pyrotechnic doors.

What Soyuz cannot do is abort to orbit - it does not have a strong engine, so it always aborts to reentry.