1. 程式人生 > >Internets of Interest #7: Ian Cooper on Test Driven Development

Internets of Interest #7: Ian Cooper on Test Driven Development

As the tech lead on non SaaS product¬†I spend a lot of my time worrying about testing. Specifically we have tests that cover code, but what is covering the tests? Tests are important to give you certainty that what your product says on the tin is what it will do when people take it home and unwrap it, but what’s backstopping the tests? Testing lets you refactor with impunity, but what if you want to refactor your tests?

This presentation by Ian Cooper takes a little while to get going but is worth persisting with. Cooper’s observations that the unit of the unit test is not a type, or a class, but the API–in Go terms, the public API of a package–was revelatory for me.