1. 程式人生 > >The Rising AI Tide in HPC

The Rising AI Tide in HPC

This sponsored post from Lenovo's Bhushan Desam covers how new HPC tools like Lenovo's LiCO (Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration) are working to address the growing popularity of AI and to simplify the convergence of HPC and AI. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is coming for your HPC cluster – and while there are no autonomous robots taking over the data center, some days it might feel that way to cluster administrators. The HPC cluster looks very attractive to the "outside world", particularly to those who will need performance beyond a single system or workstation. That is, until they try to use it and realize there is a learning curve they have to overcome. AI workloads are well suited for running on a cluster – but is your cluster management ready for AI users?