1. 程式人生 > >Indian Chatbots Pick Up Steam To Address The Massive Local Market

Indian Chatbots Pick Up Steam To Address The Massive Local Market

From rail to utility and delivery services, the rapid adoption of chatbots in India are helping the nation move toward a tech-centric future. While this piece may have an Indian flavour, any local or regional business, should be looking to maximise the use of technology to make efficiency gains and improve customer service. Much of the focus on AI customer service, chatbots and digital-first business revolves around China, thanks to the nation's relentless drive to modernity and the huge population to deal with. Just as populous is India, and while its political landscape might be more confusing, the country is still pushing toward that digital future. The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) is the latest giant to adopt a chatbot to help out with customer service and support.