1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: What's your favorite elegant/beautiful algorithm?

Ask HN: What's your favorite elegant/beautiful algorithm?

> If I'm understanding this correctly, you want to do something like this:


> But Why3 does not support this?

As far as I can tell, it doesn't. I get a syntax error if I either try to name the argument to pred or if I try to add a 'requires {}'.

Maybe they will add this functionality to a future version, or maybe there is already a different but simple way to do this (but I don't know how).

> If you add a precondition like that to pred, wouldn't that also prevent requires/ensures/invariant from calling pred on arguments that don't satisfy the precondition?

No, logical/proof functions are always total, they cannot be partial.

One option is to always define what the function should return for the entire domain of its arguments.

The other main option AFAIK is to define the results only for a restricted domain that interests us and leave the function undefined outside this restricted domain (but in this latter case, we won't be able to extract conclusions about what the function returns outside this restricted domain).

However, as far as I know, the latter option needs to be implemented differently in Why3, specifically as an abstract predicate/function, and then you separately define axioms about things you know about the predicate/function. The disadvantage is that if you make a mistake in one of the axioms (say, you accidentally define that the function returns both True and False for the same input), then you are introducing an inconsistency which allows you to prove anything you want (i.e. you would be able to trivially prove that 2 = 3). This is undesirable, of course.

I think I saw somewhere that if you define a predicate `P` in Why3 that works both for runtime and for proofs, and then you add a precondition `A` to this predicate, then Why3 will automatically add an implication to the predicate for proofs, i.e. if use this predicate in a proof, the predicate will become `A -> P(x)` instead of just `P(x)`. But I'm not entirely certain about this, I could be wrong.

Unfortunately Why3 is not very well documented, the vast majority of what I've learned so far has been through reading the examples, looking through the git history, and trial-and-error.

> In the precondition we do want pred low = False /\ pred high = True, but the run time predicate only allows pred k for low < k < high?

Exactly, this is why I was trying to add a new predicate (for proofs only), which returns False for i <= low and True for i >= high, but calls the other predicate otherwise.

However, I still run into the same problem: I cannot specify that a function argument needs a precondition, and therefore Why3 cannot tell that the precondition doesn't get violated...