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Tool for B2B Leads from IndieHackers Data | Hacker News

We are building a new product at Hackbox for finding B2B leads based on IndieHackers data.

Here is quick info of the tool https://hackbox.co/get-ih-leads

What started as a small project turned out big with the leads we have been curating from IH. There is lot of data around this and we are doing our best to automate this.

Quick highlights:

    You can filter the B2B leads using Alexa rank based on if you want to target top companies or mid range companies

    You can filter the B2B leads based on number of social media followers for that company

    You can filter based on keywords

    Once the leads are selected, you get automated personalized drafts for each lead. All you have to do is send that email.

We are adding more and more data to the leads like location, phone numbers etc and additional features.

Please note that the leads from IH are very important as these are the people actively looking to improve.

Please reply in case you are interested.