1. 程式人生 > >GoLand 2018.2 Release Candidate is here!

GoLand 2018.2 Release Candidate is here!

The upcoming GoLand 2018.2 release is on the doorstep, and today we are happy to give you a release candidate available for download!


This version incorporates a number of bug-fixes designed to revise code formatting behavior and eliminate visual glitches and other unpleasantness.

Code formatting:

GO-5894 — Fixed wrong composite literal alignment in the presence of comments. GO-5927 — Fixed wrong spaces before comments in binary expressions. GO-5903 — Fixed wrong spaces in multiline binary expressions. GO-4978 — Fixed wrong indent in return parameters when pressing Enter.

Code inspections:


— GoLand alerts you about the usage of a build tag without a leading space. GO-5684 — The IDE correctly understands type incompatibility, and alerts you only in case it truly exists.


GO-5936 — Fixed glitches in the Move refactoring dialog: error message doesn’t blink while typing anymore.

You’re very welcome to download this update on your machine and give it a try.

We love hearing from you! Feel free to suggest a new feature or report a problem in whatever way works for you: comment on this blog post, use the issue tracker, or tweet at us.