1. 程式人生 > >The beta is out now. Try the beta of X Cloud and X Core

The beta is out now. Try the beta of X Cloud and X Core

The beta is out now. Try the beta of X Cloud and X Core

The day has arrived. Today is the most prominent day for Internxt since we started the company, just over a year ago. After a year of real hardcore development, we are proud to release the beta of both our products, X Cloud and X Core. Internxt’s beta release should not be seen as a one day launch, but rather as a compelling trip towards building a complete, stable product. And you are about to embark on this breathtaking trip. By joining our beta program, you’ll be part of this exciting trip, full of awesome improvements! This is only the beginning.

X Cloud

As you are probably aware of by now, X Cloud strives to be a more secure and affordable alternative to current cloud storage services (Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage etc). This beta is meant to be used by early adopters, who we expect to be users in love with the crypto industry, as well as with blockchain and decentralization. Our goal with this beta release is to start activating the engines of our token economics and to start testing a very early version of our infrastructure, with the goal of continuously improving it while we work on the next release. We expect to keep improving our product-market fit as time goes by.

In this release, only our free, 10GB plan is made available. As we add more features to our products and polish these, we expect an increasing number of startups and individuals to start using X Cloud. As we continuously stress-test, improve and publicly validate the robustness of our infrastructure, we believe that an increasing amount of users will start making use of X Cloud.

In the beginning, the main vertical we will be targetting is that which is in most need of our solution (cheaper and more secure cloud storage). This vertical is that of businesses which store large amounts of confidential information. Take, for instance, the case of security video-recording startups, which need to continuously store their data in the cloud, in a secure and affordable manner (and most of which are currently using Amazon S3). By using X Cloud, they would pay around x5 less than what they’d pay with Amazon S3. Although we will be focusing on that vertical, we also expect many individuals and many other kinds of businesses to use X Cloud, due to its security and price advantages. For instance, virtually all contemporary businesses make use of Dropbox or similar services to store corporate information, such as legal and accounting documents. Providing a cheaper and safer way of doing that is also something we strive to do. For all these, we need a bulletproof, reliable infrastructure, an incredibly good API, web, desktop, and mobile apps.

X Cloud beta is currently available on its web version, and you can access here. Many features and UX improvements keep getting progressively added, and thus you will be able to experience X Cloud’s growth live. In the coming days, you will also be able to download the desktop app and the mobile app for iOS and Android, which was originally scheduled for Q1 2019. As mentioned, please note that by using X Cloud (beta), you accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. X Cloud beta is not expected to be a production version, and you should expect that the information uploaded to your X Cloud account could get erased, compromised, or could be available only at certain times. We are still building our infrastructure, and this has still not gone through any hacking nor security audits. So please use X Cloud beta with care, and with the sole purpose of following our live development progress until a commercial version is made available. We will continuously improve and add features to X Cloud, and we expect this beta program to be really exciting.

X Core

As you know, during the beta, only X Cloud’s free plan is available. That’s why we’ll be the ones covering the storage costs of X Cloud users. We estimated that during the commercial version of X Cloud, X Core users would make an average of $0.02 per GB they host. We will be the ones buying INXT of the market and covering those costs until the stable version of X Cloud rolls out. Bear in mind, however, that there are three variables with different weights, which will determine how much each Host gets paid each month. Additionally, bear in mind that each month’s payouts vary depending on how the X Core ecosystem looks like. For instance, say that in month 1 we generate $30,000 in revenue from X Cloud users. This will be distributed amongst X Core Hosts depending on how much disk space, uptime, and inxt they hold, relative to each other. Please see this for more information on how we compute payouts. We will also be running manual node verifications, and reserve the right to eliminate nodes from the ecosystem for any reason. Please note that by using X Core (beta), you accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

X Cloud (beta) and X Core (beta) will get continuously improved, and regular updates will be pushed to our website. Please make sure to keep an eye on our different announcement channels so that you can try to run the latest versions of our products.

All in all, we are incredibly excited to have been able to launch our beta. From this moment onwards, Internxt passes to be a company where no external action took place and most activities where taking place internally, to being a corporation where customers start interacting with the product. From now on, as the product keeps improving and we push it through marketing and sales, we expect our customer base to increase. Additionally, from this moment onwards, Internxt token economics engines are officially running. We’re really excited with everything we’re achieving and growing together. Let’s keep rocking!