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A searchable archive for all things infosec | Hacker News

We are a small group of security researchers. We are building a site to make everything searchable in the area of infosec.

Every year there are more than a few dozen security conferences, hundreds if not thousands of infosec talks are given around the world. But when it comes to the daily work of security research, valuable information buried in past talks are often hard to find. Each conference has its own address, style, format for its talk archives and speaker information.

By aggregating and indexing all the major conferences and metadata, this site made all the talks and speakers searchable. It's like Everything or Spotlight in the area of infosec.

More than that. We also cross-referenced MITRE, NVD, and multiple other data sources, to collect information about high risk vulnerabilities that are being discovered each month.

By "cross-reference" I mean we know the exact finder of each vulnerability, attributing it to a team or person. We even made a monthly ranking based on this information.

This site also links everything together. From a security conference you have a list of all speakers. You can click a speaker's name to find out his/her past talks on other conferences, vulnerabilities he/she discovered, etc.

Let me know what you think. If you like it, please help spread the word. Follow us at https://twitter.com/TodaySec