1. 程式人生 > >Deep Neural Networks for Regression Problems

Deep Neural Networks for Regression Problems

First : Processing the dataset

We will not go deep in processing the dataset, all we want to do is getting the dataset ready to be fed into our models .

We will get rid of any features with missing values, then we will encode the categorical features, that’s it.

Load the dataset :

  • Load train and test data into pandas DataFrames
  • Combine train and test data to process them together

let’s define a function to get the columns that don’t have any missing values

Get the columns that do not have any missing values .

Let’s see how many columns we got

[out]:Number of numerical columns with no nan values : 25 Number of nun-numerical columns with no nan values : 20
Histogram of the features

The correlation between the features

From the correlation heat map above, we see that about 15 features are highly correlated with the target.

One Hot Encode The Categorical Features :

We will encode the categorical features using one hot encoding.

[out]:There were 45 columns before encoding categorical features There are 149 columns after encoding categorical features

Now, split back combined dataFrame to training data and test data