1. 程式人生 > >讓天下沒有難用的資料庫 » 為什麼我的RDS慢了?

讓天下沒有難用的資料庫 » 為什麼我的RDS慢了?






mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a.oid,
    ->        a.tid,
    ->        a.created,
    ->        a.pay_time,
    ->        a.consign_time,
    ->        a.endtime,
    ->        c.nick,
    ->        c.user_name,
> e.shop_name, -> d.num_iid, -> d.title, -> f.status_name, -> a.payment, -> a.num, -> a.refund_status, -> a.refund_fee, -> d.outer_id -> FROM
xxxx_test a -> LEFT JOIN xxxx_test1 c ON a.customerno = c.user_id -> LEFT JOIN xxxx_test2 d ON a.num_iid = d.num_iid -> LEFT JOIN xxxx_test3 e ON a.dp_id = e.shop_id -> LEFT JOIN xxxx_test4 f ON a.ccms_order_status = f.status_id -> WHERE EXISTS -> (SELECT 1 FROM xxxx_test5 b WHERE a.tid = b.tid); +----+--------------------+--------------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+---------------------------+---------+-------------+ | id | select_type | TABLE | TYPE | possible_keys | KEY | key_len | REF | ROWS | Extra | +----+--------------------+--------------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+---------------------------+---------+-------------+ | 1 | PRIMARY | a | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1055789 | USING WHERE | | 1 | PRIMARY | retail_tb_customer | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 152 | xxxx_db.a.customerno | 1 | | | 1 | PRIMARY | d | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 152 | xxxx_db.a.num_iid | 1 | | | 1 | PRIMARY | e | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 152 | xxxx_db.a.dp_id | 1 | | | 1 | PRIMARY | f | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 2 | xxxx_db.a.ccms_order_status | 1 | | | 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | b | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 452 | USING WHERE | +----+--------------------+--------------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+---------------------------+---------+-------------+


ALTER TABLE xxxx_test5 ADD INDEX ind_twf_node_order_analysis_tid(tid);
mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a.oid,
    ->        a.tid,
    ->        a.created,
    ->        a.pay_time,
    ->        a.consign_time,
    ->        a.endtime,
    ->        c.nick,
    ->        c.user_name,
    ->        e.shop_name,
    ->        d.num_iid,
    ->        d.title,
    ->        f.status_name,
    ->        a.payment,
    ->        a.num,
    ->        a.refund_status,
    ->        a.refund_fee,
    ->        d.outer_id
    ->   FROM xxxx_test a
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test1 c ON a.customerno = c.user_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test2 d ON a.num_iid = d.num_iid
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test3 e ON a.dp_id = e.shop_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test4 f ON a.ccms_order_status = f.status_id
    ->  (SELECT 1 FROM xxxx_test5 b WHERE a.tid = b.tid);
| id | select_type        | TABLE              | TYPE   | possible_keys                   | KEY                             | key_len | REF                       | ROWS    | Extra                    |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | a                  | ALL    | NULL                            | NULL                            | NULL    | NULL                      | 1055789 | USING WHERE              |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | retail_tb_customer | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 152     | xxxx_db.a.customerno        |       1 |                          |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | d                  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 152     | xxxx_db.a.num_iid           |       1 |                          |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | e                  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 152     | xxxx_db.a.dp_id             |       1 |                          |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | f                  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 2       | xxxx_db.a.ccms_order_status |       1 |                          |
|  2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | b                  | REF    | ind_twf_node_order_analysis_tid | ind_twf_node_order_analysis_tid | 153     | xxxx_db.a.tid               |       2 | USING WHERE; USING INDEX |

我們可以看到執行計劃中的rows已經從452變為了2(執行計劃的最後一行),由於mysql的表關聯只有nest loop join這種演算法,所以我們可以估算一下這裡的優化:

原始執行一:1055789*1*1*1*1*452 掃描的行數

新執行計劃二:1055789*1*1*1*1*2 掃描的行數


mysql> SELECT a.oid,
    ->        a.tid,
    ->        a.created,
    ->        a.pay_time,
    ->        a.consign_time,
    ->        a.endtime,
    ->        c.nick,
    ->        c.user_name,
    ->        e.shop_name,
    ->        d.num_iid,
    ->        d.title,
    ->        f.status_name,
    ->        a.payment,
    ->        a.num,
    ->        a.refund_status,
    ->        a.refund_fee,
    ->        d.outer_id
    ->   FROM xxxx_test a
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test1 c ON a.customerno = c.user_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test2 d ON a.num_iid = d.num_iid
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test3 e ON a.dp_id = e.shop_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test4 f ON a.ccms_order_status = f.status_id
    ->  (SELECT 1 FROM xxxx_test5 b WHERE a.tid = b.tid);
8 ROWS IN SET (10.62 sec)

我們看到執行時間已經由原來的6分20秒下降到了10秒,我們繼續優化; 我們可以看到該sql的結果集只有區區的8行,但是掃描的行數卻是非常之大的(1055789*1*1*1*1*2),在優化sql的非常關鍵的一點就是優化sql 的執行路程,t=s/v;如果我們能夠優化S,那麼速度肯定會一下子提上來; 那麼我們在看看sql中最後的一句:

-> (SELECT 1 FROM xxxx_test5 b WHERE a.tid = b.tid);

sql查詢中是要查詢出每筆訂單的詳細資訊而不得不關聯其他一些表,但是最後的一個exist限定了我們最後結果的範圍,在看看xxxx_test5 這張表有多大:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xxxx_test5;
| COUNT(*) |
| 403 |
1 ROW IN SET (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xxxx_test5 b ,xxxx_test a WHERE a.tid = b.tid
-> ;
| COUNT(*) |
| 8 |
1 ROW IN SET (0.42 sec)


mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a.oid,
    ->        a.tid,
    ->        a.created,
    ->        a.pay_time,
    ->        a.consign_time,
    ->        a.endtime,
    ->        c.nick,
    ->        c.user_name,
    ->        e.shop_name,
    ->        d.num_iid,
    ->        d.title,
    ->        f.status_name,
    ->        a.payment,
    ->        a.num,
    ->        a.refund_status,
    ->        a.refund_fee,
    ->        d.outer_id
    ->   FROM xxxx_test5 g,xxxx_test a
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test1 c ON a.customerno = c.user_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test2 d ON a.num_iid = d.num_iid
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test3 e ON a.dp_id = e.shop_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test4 f ON a.ccms_order_status = f.status_id
    ->   WHERE g.tid=a.tid;
| id | select_type | TABLE              | TYPE   | possible_keys                   | KEY                             | key_len | REF                       | ROWS | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | g                  | INDEX  | ind_twf_node_order_analysis_tid | ind_twf_node_order_analysis_tid | 153     | NULL                      |  452 | USING INDEX |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a                  | REF    | idx_xxxx_test_tid               | idx_xxxx_test_tid               | 153     | xxxx_db.g.tid               |    1 | USING WHERE |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | retail_tb_customer | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 152     | xxxx_db.a.customerno        |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | d                  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 152     | xxxx_db.a.num_iid           |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | e                  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 152     | xxxx_db.a.dp_id             |    1 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | f                  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY                         | 2       | xxxx_db.a.ccms_order_status |    1 |             |
6 ROWS IN SET (0.00 sec)

分析執行計劃,我們發現限定表xxxx_test5做了驅動表,驅動表的變化才是導致問題的最根本原因,掃描的行數:452*1*1*1*1; 這個時候sql的執行速度就飛一般的感覺了:

mysql> SELECT a.oid,
    ->        a.tid,
    ->        a.created,
    ->        a.pay_time,
    ->        a.consign_time,
    ->        a.endtime,
    ->        c.nick,
    ->        c.user_name,
    ->        e.shop_name,
    ->        d.num_iid,
    ->        d.title,
    ->        f.status_name,
    ->        a.payment,
    ->        a.num,
    ->        a.refund_status,
    ->        a.refund_fee,
    ->        d.outer_id
    ->   FROM xxxx_test5 g,xxxx_test a
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test1 c ON a.customerno = c.user_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test2 d ON a.num_iid = d.num_iid
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test3 e ON a.dp_id = e.shop_id
    ->   LEFT JOIN xxxx_test4 f ON a.ccms_order_status = f.status_id
    ->   WHERE g.tid=a.tid;
8 ROWS IN SET (0.13 sec)



問題描述:使用mssql rds時不時報錯如下A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 – Error Locating Server/Instance Specified),詢問是否是連線超過限制導致的?



可以看到在15:00的時候有大量的全表掃描,出現了較多的鎖超時的情況,同時這個時候也有大量的會話在資料庫中,而這個時間恰好也是使用者報出錯誤的時間,在進一步排查,使用者的SQL,通過檢視mssql內部的一些檢視,來找到對應消耗資源top 5的sql,發現使用者使用頻繁的查詢一個檢視,在檢視中有多表連線,但在這些表連線中的欄位上沒有新增索引,導致了全表掃描,使用者檢視如下:

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[Vi_xxx]
SELECT ..........
FROM dbo.xxxx_test6 INNER JOIN
dbo.xxxx_test1 ON dbo.xxxx_test5.docID = dbo.xxxx_test1.docID INNER JOIN
dbo.xxxx_test2 ON dbo.xxxx_test5.typeID = dbo.xxxx_test2.typeID INNER JOIN
dbo.xxxx_test3 ON dbo.xxxx_test5.docID = dbo.xxxx_test3.docID INNER JOIN
dbo.xxxx_test4 ON dbo.xxxx_test5.categoryID = dbo.xxxx_test4.categoryID
WHERE (dbo.xxxx_test5.isDelete = 0)

通過檢視執行計劃,發現表上面很多的關聯欄位沒有建立索引,導致全表掃描 執行計劃如下(有很多的table scan):總結:使用者頻繁的查詢一個檢視,而該檢視中表的關聯欄位上沒有索引,導致了大量的全表掃描,累積了大量的會話數,造成資料庫效能的下降,應用與資料庫之間出現連線錯誤。





UPDATE USER SET xx=xx+N.N WHERE account=130000870343  LIMIT 10
SELECT * FROM  USER WHERE account=13056870  LIMIT 10

`id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`account` char(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘???’,
UNIQUE KEY `username` (`account`),
檢視執行計劃,居然查詢使用了全表掃描: [email protected] 16:55:06>explain select * from user where account=13056870343;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t_user | ALL | username | NULL | NULL | NULL | 799 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


[email protected] 16:55:13>explain SELECT * FROM USER WHERE account='13056870343';
| id | select_type | TABLE  | TYPE  | possible_keys | KEY      | key_len | REF   | ROWS | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t_user |