1. 程式人生 > >線上程式碼編輯器的實現原理與思路探討?


問題補充:另外發現了一款線上編輯php的,名叫phpAnyWhere,看介紹應該是很強大的,但是由於必須要先有ftp伺服器賬號,而我填好真實有效的ftp後還是一直提示“Unable to connect to server!”鬱悶,也就沒能進到裡面的編輯介面了。 

網址: http://phpanywhere.net/ 


PHPanywhere Overview 

PHPanywhere is a web based free Integrated Development Environment or IDE for the PHP language, in other words it is an application that gives developers all the code editing capabilities they need to develop PHP applications online. 

It includes a real-time syntax code editor with support for all web formats and a powerful FTP editor. 

All your projects - Anywhere!
Because it works in a browser (*) you can start coding right away, no need for installing anything. 
Best of all you can work from anywhere, all you need is an internet connection and a web browser and you’re ready to go! 

Develop and maintain multiple projects with ease using PHPanywhere, because as soon as you log in all your projects (FTP servers) are immediately accessible. PHPanywhere even remembers what files you were working on and reopens them as well. 

Real-time syntax code editor
The real-time syntax code editor is really what PHPanywhere is all about, so here is a list of just some of the things it does: 

•Syntax highlighting 
•Smart indentation for each language 
•Code folding 
•Full internationalization 
•Unlimited undo/redo (now handled on client (browser) side, no more waiting for server response) 
•Unlimited tabs 
•Find and replace feature (New Feature) 
•Displays line numbers (New Feature) 
•Code auto completion, snippets (New Feature) 
•Displays line numbers (New Feature) 
•Code indention (TAB key) (New Feature)