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12個實用的 JavaScript 框架分享給前端開發者

  JavaScript庫是預先編寫的 JavaScript 工具程式碼,讓開發者可以更容易開發 JavaScript 應用。這個列表我們列出了2017年1月份功能豐富的 JavaScript 庫,可以幫助您建立有效和有用的 Web 應用程式。


Scrollanim 是結合 CSS3 和 JavaScript 來建立令人驚歎的滾動動畫的開源庫。 Scrolanim 支援在頁面上的所有可用的元素的位置。有很多的自定義引數可以配置使用,構建出精彩的效果,非常容易使用。 

Baffle.js 是一個 JavaScript 庫,設計用來模糊和揭開DOM元素的文字。 這些元素可以是一個 CSS 選擇器的形式、一個節點列表或者一個單節點。 你也可以傳遞一個選擇物件給外掛。

Waud.js 是一個Web音訊庫,有一個HTML5音訊降級處理方案。 它允許您利用Web音訊API為你的Web應用程式控制音訊功能。在不支援Web音訊API的非現代瀏覽器使用HTML5音訊降級方案。

ZingTouch is a JavaScript gesture detection library. It provides six standard gestures that are fully customizable. ZingTouch was created as a by-product for enabling ZingChart to work better on mobile devices by adding a layer of gestures for interactivity.

Lightense Images
Lightense Images is a dependency-free pure JavaScript image zooming library less than 2 KB (gzipped). This library supports all modern browsers, it “should work” in Internet Explorer 10 and up as well.

Rellax is a buttery smooth, super lightweight, vanilla JavaScript parallax library. Rellax limits the parallax feature to laptop/desktop screens since the effect is negligible on smaller screens.

ApproveJs is a simple JavaScript validation library that doesn’t interfere. It also doesn’t manipulate the DOM for you by automatically displaying errors. This allows you to handle validation how you want.

Cleave.js is a JavaScript library to help you format input text content automatically. It allows credit card number formatting, phone number formatting, date formatting, numeral formatting, commonjs/AMD mode and much more.

SuperEmbed.js detects YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, VideoPress, DailyMotion, and more embedded videos on webpages and makes them responsive. Essentially, this means they stretch to fill their container while still maintaining the original aspect ratio.


Typr.js is a font processor for JavaScript. It’s light, small, and ultra fast. Typr.js is a JavaScript parser and utility for working with fonts (TTF, OTF). It is an alternative to opentype.js. It is the main text engine for Photopea image editor. It is lightweight, ultra fast and easy to extend library.


A powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful typography. Typography.js provides a vastly simpler way to define and explore typography designs. You provide configuration to the Typography.js JS API and it uses its Typography engine to generate CSS for block and inline elements.


 Lightgallery是一個輕量級的模組化、響應式的燈箱畫廊,它允許您建立美麗的影象和視訊畫廊。藉助縮圖外掛的幫助,Lightgallery 允許您建立縮圖畫廊。它支援觸控式螢幕裝置上滑動導航以及桌面裝置的滑鼠拖動,還允許使用者瀏覽縮圖和原圖之間通過滑動手指或滑鼠拖動。 
