1. 程式人生 > >MYSQL 查詢語句(No.10)

MYSQL 查詢語句(No.10)



select sno, sname from student;


select sno, sname,sdept from student;

--3:  查詢全體學生的詳細記錄

select * from student

--4: 查詢全體學生的姓名及其出生年份

select sname, 2011-sage as 出生年份 from student;


select sname, 2011-sage as 出生年份,lower(sdept) from student;


select distinct sno from sc;


select sname from student where sdept = "is";


select sname ,sage from student where sage <20;

--9:  查詢考試成績有不及格的學生的學號

select distinct sno from sc where grade < 60;

--10: 查詢年齡在20-23 (包括20和23)之間的學生的姓名、系別和年齡

select sname,sdept,sage from student where sage>=20 and sage<=23;

--11: 查詢資訊系(IS)、數學系(MA)和計算機科學系(CS)學生的姓名和性別

select sname ,ssex from student where sdept = 'is' or sdept='ma' or sdept = 'CS';或

select sname,ssex from student where sdept in("is","ma","cs");

--12: 查詢學號為95001的學生的詳細情況

select * from student where sno = 95001;

--13: 查詢所有姓林的學生的姓名、學號和性別

select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname like "林%";

--14: 查詢姓“歐陽”且全名為三個漢字的學生的姓名

select sname from student where sname like "歐陽_";


select sname,sno from student where sname like "_燕%";


select sname from student where sname not like "^劉%";


select ccredit from course where cname = "db_design";


select sno,cno from sc where grade<=>null;

--19: 查詢所有有成績的學生的學號和課程號

select sno ,cno from sc ;

--20: 查詢所有計算機系年齡在20以下的學生姓名

 select sname from student where sage<20 and sdept="cs";

--21: 查詢選修了3號課程的學生的學號和成績,查詢結果按分數降序排列

select sno,grade from sc where cno =3 order by grade desc;

--22: 查詢全體學生情況,查詢結果按所在系的系號升序排列,同一系中的學生按年齡降序排列

select * from student order by sdept,sage desc;

--23: 查詢學生總人數

select count(sno) from student;

--24: 查詢選修了課程的學生人數

select count(distinct sno) from sc;

--25: 計算1號課程的學生的平均成績

select avg(grade) from sc where cno = 1;

--26: 計算1號課程的學生的最高成績分數

select max(grade) from sc where cno =1;


select distinct cno,count(sno) from sc group by cno;

--    查詢每個學生選修的的課程數

select sno,count(sno) from sc group by sno;

--28:  查詢選修了三門以上課程的學生學號

select sno from sc group by sno having count(sno)>3;

select sno,count(cno) as kcnum from sc group by sno having kcnum>3;


select sno,sname,sage ,sdept ,grade from student left join sc on student.sno=sc.sno;


 select cno, (select c2.cpno from course as c2 where c2.cno=c1.cpno ) as 間接先修課程 from course as c1;


select student.sno,sname from student,sc where student.sno = sc.sno and cno=2 and grade>=90;

//join連線 select s.sno,sname from student as s join sc on s.sno =sc.sno where cno=2 and grade>=90;


select sno,sc.cno,cname from sc join course using(cno);

select s.sno,sname,sage,cname,grade from student as s left join(select sno,sc.cno,cname from sc join course using(cno))as t on s.sno=t.sno;


select sname from student where sdept=(select sdept from student where sname="林燕芳") and sname !="林燕芳";

--34: 查詢其他系中比資訊系某一學生小的學生姓名和年齡

select sname,sage from student where sage<any(select sage from student where sdept="is") and sdept!="is";


 select student.sname from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=1;

//select sname from student where sno in (select sno from sc where cno=1);


select sname from student where sno in(select sno from sc group by sno having count(cno)=(select count(*) from course));