1. 程式人生 > >分享12款 JavaScript 表格控制元件(DataGrid)

分享12款 JavaScript 表格控制元件(DataGrid)

  JavaScript 表格控制元件可以操作大資料集的 HTML 表格,提供各種功能,如分頁、排序、過濾以及行編輯。在本文中,我們整理了13個最好的 JavaScript 表格外掛分享給開發人員,開發者可以很容易地新增表格操作功能到 Web 應用程式中。


1. DataTables


DataTables是jQuery JavaScript庫的外掛。 這是一個高度靈活的工具,基於逐步增強的基礎,並將向任何HTML表新增高階互動控制元件。 這個庫包括分頁,即時搜尋和多列排序,並支援幾乎所有的資料來源,如DOM,JavaScript,Ajax和伺服器端處理。

2. Handsontable


Handsontable是可擴充套件的電子表格解決方案,用於創建出色的應用程式。 這個開箱即用的解決方案隨CLI工具一起提供,因此您可以根據需要使用盡可能多的外掛構建您的創作。 更重要的是,Handsontable是一張空白的畫布,所以你可以建立自己的外觀和感覺。

3. JsGrid


jsGrid是一個基於jQuery的輕量級客戶端資料網格控制元件。 它支援基本的網格操作,如插入,過濾,編輯,刪除,分頁和排序。 jsGrid非常靈活,可以自定義外觀和元件。jsGrid有一個靈活的尋呼機,可以在客戶端和伺服器端分頁資料。 jsGrid提供了不同的列型別:文字,數字,選擇,複選框等。

4. SlickGrid

SlickGrid is a JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component. It is an advanced component and is going to be a bit more difficult to learn and configure, but once you realize its full potential, it will blow your mind! SlickGrid has adaptive virtual scrolling, supports jQuery UI themes, extremely fast rendering speed, easy to configure and customizable, and includes column autosizing, grouping filtering and many other useful features.

5. FancyGrid

FancyGrid is a complete solution for creating Grids for your web applications. FancyGrid is a grid library which comes with chart integration (highcharts and sparkling), server communication and many other useful features.

This library includes more than 25+ features like paging, sorting, filtering, validation, Ajax data, files data, REStful, touch support, Angular JS directive and much more.

FancyGrid is a plugin free library and it has no dependency but integrated with jQuery and AngularJS. FancyGrid also includes number of samples, professional support, elegant API and of course detailed documentation for easy use.

Also it has big form module(FancyForm) that is integrated with FancyGrid.

6. Ag Grid

ag-Grid is an Enterprise Grade JavaScript Data Grid. The purpose of ag-Grid is to provide a data grid that enterprise software can use for building applications such as reporting and data analytics, business workflow and data entry. The author, having spent years building applications in C++, Java and JavaScript, found the choice of grids in JavaScript lacking, especially in comparison to what was in other languages frameworks. Ag-Grid is the result of turning frustration into answers, providing a grid worthy of enterprise development.

7. jqGrid

jqGrid is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript control that provides solutions for representing and manipulating tabular data on the web. Since the grid is a client-side solution loading data dynamically through Ajax callbacks, it can be integrated with any server-side technology, including PHP, ASP, Java Servlets, JSP, ColdFusion, and Perl.

8. jQWidgets

jQWidgets provides a comprehensive solution for building professional web sites and mobile apps. It is built entirely on open standards and technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. jQWidgets enables responsive web development and helps you create apps and websites that look beautiful on desktops, tablets and smart phones. You can use jQWidgets with TypeScript, popular frameworks like AngularJS, Angular 2, KnockoutJS and server-side technologies like ASP.NET MVC, PHP, JSP and Node.js

jQWidgets is a feature complete framework with professional touch-enabled jQuery widgets, themes, input validation, drag & drop plug-ins, data adapters, built-in WAI-ARIA accessibility, internationalization and MVVM support.

9. W2ui

The w2ui library is a set of interrellated jQuery plugins. It is not a adhoc port to jQuery, but was initially developed with jQuery in mind. There is no support of other frameworks such as prototype or dojo. The w2layout object allows you to create stretchable and resizable layouts with up to 6 panels. The panels are top, left, main, preview, right, and bottom. You do not have to create and initialize all 6 panels, but only the panels you need in your application.

Out of the box w2ui library is all-in-one solution. It contains all most common UI widgets: Layout, Grid, Sidebar, Tabs, Toolbar, Popup, Field Controls and Forms. You do not need to put together a collection of mismatched plugins to accomplish your goals.

10. EmberTable.js

ember table
Ember Table allows you to handle very large data sets by only rendering the rows that are being displayed. It is written as an ember component with an API that is easy to understand and extend. It includes lazy rendering and supports millions of rows, has support for column resizing and reordering, and easy to configure, customizable and extendable.

11. dhtmlxGrid

dhtmlxGrid is a full-featured JavaScript grid control that provides cutting-edge functionality, powerful data binding, and fast performance with large data sets. Rich and intuitive JavaScript API makes the grid highly customizable and easy-to-use. dhtmlxGrid can load data from different data sources: XML (custom format supported), JSON, CSV, JavaScript array, and HTML table.

With this js grid view component, you can easily create nice-looking, Ajax-enabled tables with rich in-cell editing, built-in filtering, searching, and grouping capabilities. Smart Rendering and paging support ensure fast loading speed even with huge datasets. Numerous event handlers allow you to add necessary interactivity to the grid.

12. jQuery King Table

jquery king table
KingTable is a jQuery plugin for administrative tables that are able to build themselves, on the basis of their input data. It supports client and server side pagination; client and server side search; custom filters views; automatic menu to hide and reorder columns and support for custom tools. Client side export feature into: csv, json and xml formats.

13. ApeendGrid

appendGrid allow you to input structured data row by row such like filling spreadsheets. It allows you to add/remove/insert/delete row in the grid. The generated input/select/textarea controls are well named for submitting to server side applications such as ASP.NET/PHP/JSP. Multiple options and callback events are available to fit every situation.
