1. 程式人生 > >演算法一 knn 擴充套件 BBF演算法,在KD-tree上找KNN ( K-nearest neighbor)

演算法一 knn 擴充套件 BBF演算法,在KD-tree上找KNN ( K-nearest neighbor)

Step1: BBF演算法,在KD-tree上找KNN。第一步做匹配咯~

1.       什麼是KD-tree(from wiki)

K-Dimension tree,實際上是一棵平衡二叉樹。


function kdtree (list of points pointList, int depth)


    if pointList is empty

        return nil;

    else {

        // Select axis based on depth so that axis cycles through all valid values

        var int axis := depth mod k;

        // Sort point list and choose median as pivot element

        select median by axis from pointList;

        // Create node and construct subtrees

        var tree_node node;

        node.location := median;

        node.leftChild := kdtree(points in pointList before median, depth+1);

        node.rightChild := kdtree(points in pointList after median, depth+1);

        return node;



【例】pointList = [(2,3), (5,4), (9,6), (4,7), (8,1), (7,2)] tree = kdtree(pointList)

2D 3D KD-tree

2.       BBF演算法,在KD-tree上找KNN ( K-nearest neighbor)

BBF(Best Bin First)演算法,藉助優先佇列(這裡用最小堆)實現。從根開始,在KD-tree上找路子的時候,錯過的點先塞到優先佇列裡,自己先一個勁兒掃到leaf;然後再從佇列裡取出目前key值最小的(這裡是是ki維上的距離最小者),重複上述過程,一個勁兒掃到leaf;直到佇列找空了,或者已經重複了200遍了停止。

Step1: 將img2的features建KD-tree;  kd_root = kdtree_build( feat2, n2 );。在這裡,ki是選取均方差最大的那個維度,kv是各特徵點在那個維度上的median值,features是你率領的整個兒子孫子特徵大軍,n是你兒子孫子個數。

/** a node in a k-d tree */

struct kd_node{

     int ki;                      /**< partition key index */

     double kv;                   /**< partition key value */

     int leaf;                    /**< 1 if node is a leaf, 0 otherwise */

     struct feature* features;    /**< features at this node */

     int n;                       /**< number of features */

     struct kd_node* kd_left;     /**< left child */

     struct kd_node* kd_right;    /**< right child */


Step2: 將img1的每個feat到KD-tree裡找k個最近鄰,這裡k=2。

k = kdtree_bbf_knn( kd_root, feat, 2, &nbrs, KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS );

     min_pq = minpq_init();

     minpq_insert( min_pq, kd_root, 0 );

     while( min_pq->n > 0  &&  t < max_nn_chks ) //佇列裡有東西就繼續搜,同時控制在t<200(即200步內)


         expl = (struct kd_node*)minpq_extract_min( min_pq ); //取出最小的,front & pop

         expl = explore_to_leaf( expl, feat, min_pq ); //從該點開始,explore到leaf,路過的“有意義的點”就塞到最小佇列min_pq中。

         for( i = 0; i < expl->n; i++ ) //


              tree_feat = &expl->features[i];

              bbf_data->old_data = tree_feat->feature_data;

              bbf_data->d = descr_dist_sq(feat, tree_feat); //兩feat均方差

              tree_feat->feature_data = bbf_data;

              n += insert_into_nbr_array( tree_feat, _nbrs, n, k ); //按從小到大塞到neighbor數組裡,到時候取前k個就是 KNN 咯~ n 每次加1或0,表示目前已有的元素個數





struct kd_node* explore_to_leaf( struct kd_node* kd_node, struct feature* feat,

                                     struct min_pq* min_pq )//expl, feat, min_pq


     struct kd_node* unexpl, * expl = kd_node;

     double kv;

     int ki;

     while( expl  &&  ! expl->leaf )


         ki = expl->ki;

         kv = expl->kv;

         if( feat->descr[ki] <= kv ) {

              unexpl = expl->kd_right;

              expl = expl->kd_left; //走左邊,右邊點將被記下來


         else {

              unexpl = expl->kd_left;

              expl = expl->kd_right; //走右邊,左邊點將被記下來


         minpq_insert( min_pq, unexpl, ABS( kv - feat->descr[ki] ) ) ;//將這些點插入進來,key鍵值為|kv - feat->descr[ki]| 即第ki維上的差值


     return expl;


         Step3: 如果k近鄰找到了(k=2),那麼判斷是否能作為有效特徵,d0/d1<0.49就算是咯~

              d0 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[0] );//計算兩特徵間squared Euclidian distance

              d1 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[1] );

              if( d0 < d1 * NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR )//如果d0/d1小於閾值0.49


                   pt1 = cvPoint( cvRound( feat->x ), cvRound( feat->y ) );

                   pt2 = cvPoint( cvRound( nbrs[0]->x ), cvRound( nbrs[0]->y ) );

                   pt2.y += img1->height;

                   cvLine( stacked, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255,0,255), 1, 8, 0 );//畫線


                   feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[0];


Step2: 通過RANSAC演算法來消除錯配,什麼是RANSAC先?

1.       RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus, 隨機抽樣一致)  (from wiki)

該演算法做什麼呢?呵呵,用一堆資料去搞定一個待定模型,這裡所謂的搞定就是一反覆測試、迭代的過程,找出一個error最小的模型及其對應的同盟軍(consensus set)。用在我們的SIFT特徵匹配裡,就是說找一個變換矩陣出來,使得儘量多的特徵點間都符合這個變換關係。



data - a set of observations

model - a model that can be fitted to data

n - the minimum number of data required to fit the model

k - the maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithm

t - a threshold value for determining when a datum fits a model

d - the number of close data values required to assert that a model fits well to data


best_model - model parameters which best fit the data (or nil if no good model is found)

best_consensus_set - data point from which this model has been estimated

best_error - the error of this model relative to the data

iterations := 0

best_model := nil

best_consensus_set := nil

best_error := infinity

while iterations < k  //進行K次迭代

    maybe_inliers := n randomly selected values from data

    maybe_model := model parameters fitted to maybe_inliers

    consensus_set := maybe_inliers

    for every point in data not in maybe_inliers

        if point fits maybe_model with an error smaller than t //錯誤小於閾值t

            add point to consensus_set   //成為同盟,加入consensus set

    if the number of elements in consensus_set is > d //同盟軍已經大於d個人,夠了

        (this implies that we may have found a good model,

        now test how good it is)

        better_model := model parameters fitted to all points in consensus_set

        this_error := a measure of how well better_model fits these points

        if this_error < best_error

            (we have found a model which is better than any of the previous ones,

            keep it until a better one is found)

            best_model := better_model

            best_consensus_set := consensus_set

            best_error := this_error

    increment iterations

return best_model, best_consensus_set, best_error

2.       RANSAC去除錯配:

H = ransac_xform( feat1, n1, FEATURE_FWD_MATCH, lsq_homog, 4, 0.01,homog_xfer_err, 3.0, NULL, NULL );

     nm = get_matched_features( features, n, mtype, &matched );

     /* initialize random number generator */

     rng = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 );

     gsl_rng_set( rng, time(NULL) );

     in_min = calc_min_inliers( nm, m, RANSAC_PROB_BAD_SUPP, p_badxform ); //符合這一要求的內點至少得有多少個

     p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), k );

     i = 0;

     while( p > p_badxform )//p>0.01


         sample = draw_ransac_sample( matched, nm, m, rng );

         extract_corresp_pts( sample, m, mtype, &pts, &mpts );

         M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, m );

         if( ! M )

              goto iteration_end;

         in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);

         if( in > in_max )  {

              if( consensus_max )

                   free( consensus_max );

              consensus_max = consensus;

              in_max = in;

              in_frac = (double)in_max / nm;



              free( consensus );

         cvReleaseMat( &M );


         release_mem( pts, mpts, sample );

         p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), ++k );


     /* calculate final transform based on best consensus set */

     if( in_max >= in_min )


         extract_corresp_pts( consensus_max, in_max, mtype, &pts, &mpts );

         M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in_max );

         in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);

         cvReleaseMat( &M );

         release_mem( pts, mpts, consensus_max );

         extract_corresp_pts( consensus, in, mtype, &pts, &mpts );

         M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in );      


features間的對應關係,記錄在features->fwd_match裡(matching feature from forward


1.       資料是nm個特徵點間的對應關係,由它們產生一個3*3變換矩陣(xform_fn = hsq_homog函式,此要>=4對的對應才可能計算出來咯~),此乃模型model。

2.       然後開始找同盟軍(find_consensus函式),判斷除了sample的其它對應關係是否滿足這個模型(err_fn = homog_xfer_err函式,<=err_tol就OK~),滿足則留下。

3.       一旦大於當前的in_max,那麼該模型就升級為目前最牛的模型。(最最原始的RANSAC是按錯誤率最小走的,我們這會兒已經保證了錯誤率在err_tol範圍內,按符合要求的對應數最大走,儘量多的特徵能匹配地上)

4.       重複以上3步,直到(1-wm)<=p_badxform (即0.01),模型就算找定~

5.       最後再把模型和同盟軍定一下,齊活兒~

宣告:以上程式碼參考Rob Hess的SIFT實現。