1. 程式人生 > >sed編輯器基礎——s命令



sed編輯器是流編輯器(stream editor),sed編輯器不會修改原檔案中的內容。


  1. 一次從輸入中讀取一行資料。
  2. 根據所提供的編輯器命令匹配資料。
  3. 按照命令修改流中的資料。
  4. 將新的資料輸出到STDOUT。




-> echo "This is a test" | sed 's/test/big test/'
This is a big test 


-> cat data1.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy monkey.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
-> sed 's/dog/cat/' data1.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy monkey.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.



-> sed -e 's/dog/cat/;s/monkey/dog/' data1.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.



-> cat script1.sed
-> sed -f script1.sed data1.txt
The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy monkey.
The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.


1. 數字,表明新文字將替換第幾處模式匹配的地方;
2. g,表明新文體將會替換所有匹配的文字;
3. p,表明匹配的行要打印出來;
4. w file,將替換的結果寫到檔案中。

-> cat data2.txt
This is a test of the script.
This is the second test of the test script.
# 指定sed編輯器用新文字替換第幾處模式匹配的地方
—> sed 's/test/trial/2' data2.txt
This is a test of the script.
This is the second test of the trial script.
# 匹配全部(g)
-> sed 's/test/trial/g' data2.txt
This is a trial of the script.
This is the second trial of the trial script.
# p會列印與替換命令中指定的模式匹配的行
-> cat data3.txt
This is a test line.
This is a different line.
-> sed 's/test/trial/' data3.txt
This is a trial line.
This is a different line.
# 加上p輸出
-> sed 's/test/trial/p' data3.txt
This is a trial line.
This is a trial line.
This is a different line.
# -n選項禁止sed編輯器輸出;-n和p只輸出被替換命令修改過的行。
-> sed -n 's/test/trial/p' data3.txt
This is a trial line.
# sed編輯器的正常輸出是在STDOUT中,只有包含匹配模式的行才會儲存在指定的輸出檔案中
-> sed 's/test/trial/w test.txt' data3.txt
This is a trial line.
This is a different line.
-> cat test.txt
This is a trial line.


-> cat data4.txt
# sed編輯器允許選擇其他字元來作為替換命令中的字串分隔符
-> sed 's!/bin/bash!/bin/zsh!' data4.txt
# 轉義字元"\",不過看起來沒有上面的清晰
-> sed 's/\/bin\/bash/\/bin\/zsh/' data4.txt


-> sed -e '
> s/brown/green/
> s/fox/elephant/
> s/dog/cat/' data1.txt
The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green fox jumps over the lazy monkey.
The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
The quick green fox jumps over the lazy cat.
