1. 程式人生 > >【學以致用】android功能實現7---android8.0 Launcher獲取快捷方式原始碼分析(3)

【學以致用】android功能實現7---android8.0 Launcher獲取快捷方式原始碼分析(3)


                new LazyShortcutsProvider(context.getApplicationContext(), items));


這裡實際是做了一個任務,工作包括獲取 workspaceApps = mAppsProvider.get()

分配該快捷方式的位置Pair<Long, int[]> coords = findSpaceForItem(app, dataModel, workspaceScreens, addedWorkspaceScreensFinal, item.spanX, item.spanY); 


// Add the shortcut to the db
 // Save the ShortcutInfo for binding in the workspace

public void execute(LauncherAppState app, BgDataModel dataModel, AllAppsList apps) {
    List<ItemInfo> workspaceApps = mAppsProvider.get();
    if (workspaceApps.isEmpty()) {
    Context context = app.getContext();

    final ArrayList<ItemInfo> addedItemsFinal = new ArrayList<>();
    final ArrayList<Long> addedWorkspaceScreensFinal = new ArrayList<>();

    // Get the list of workspace screens.  We need to append to this list and
    // can not use sBgWorkspaceScreens because loadWorkspace() may not have been
    // called.
    ArrayList<Long> workspaceScreens = LauncherModel.loadWorkspaceScreensDb(context);
    synchronized(dataModel) {
        for (ItemInfo item : workspaceApps) {
            if (item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION ||
                    item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT) {
                // Short-circuit this logic if the icon exists somewhere on the workspace
                if (shortcutExists(dataModel, item.getIntent(), item.user)) {

            // Find appropriate space for the item.
            Pair<Long, int[]> coords = findSpaceForItem(app, dataModel, workspaceScreens,
                    addedWorkspaceScreensFinal, item.spanX, item.spanY);
            long screenId = coords.first;
            int[] cordinates = coords.second;

            ItemInfo itemInfo;
            if (item instanceof ShortcutInfo || item instanceof FolderInfo ||
                    item instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo) {
                itemInfo = item;
            } else if (item instanceof AppInfo) {
                itemInfo = ((AppInfo) item).makeShortcut();
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected info type");

            // Add the shortcut to the db
                    LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP, screenId,
                    cordinates[0], cordinates[1]);

            // Save the ShortcutInfo for binding in the workspace

獲取到的workspaceApps = mAppsProvider.get()的內容是pendingInfo.getItemInfo()

最終返回的藏在PendingInstallShortcutInfo中的itemInfo引數,getItemInfo()通過從外界獲取的資訊轉化成的相容性ShortcutInfoCompat生成Launcher可用的ShortcutInfo 並且傳入icon引數

} else if (shortcutInfo != null) {
    ShortcutInfo si = new ShortcutInfo(shortcutInfo, mContext);
    si.iconBitmap = LauncherIcons.createShortcutIcon(shortcutInfo, mContext);
    return si;



LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(context);
Drawable unbadgedDrawable = DeepShortcutManager.getInstance(context)
        .getShortcutIconDrawable(shortcutInfo, app.getInvariantDeviceProfile().fillResIconDpi);


public Drawable getShortcutIconDrawable(ShortcutInfoCompat shortcutInfo, int density) {
    if (Utilities.ATLEAST_NOUGAT_MR1) {
        try {
            Drawable icon = mLauncherApps.getShortcutIconDrawable(
                    shortcutInfo.getShortcutInfo(), density);
            mWasLastCallSuccess = true;
            return icon;
        } catch (SecurityException|IllegalStateException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get shortcut icon", e);
            mWasLastCallSuccess = false;
    return null;


但是為了後面還能夠開啟這個應用,需要獲取了外來資訊的package nameshortcut ID。在之前提到的makeIntent中,將IDpackage name,這兩個重要引數通過intent存到資料庫中。

8.0不再將快捷方式的具體地址儲存到資料庫中,改用shortcut ID。接來下是啟動流程



if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_DEEP_SHORTCUT) {
    String id = ((ShortcutInfo) info).getDeepShortcutId();
    String packageName = intent.getPackage();
            packageName, id, intent.getSourceBounds(), optsBundle, info.user);


public void startShortcut(String packageName, String id, Rect sourceBounds,
                          Bundle startActivityOptions, UserHandle user) {
    if (Utilities.ATLEAST_NOUGAT_MR1) {
        try {
            mLauncherApps.startShortcut(packageName, id, sourceBounds,
                    startActivityOptions, user);
            mWasLastCallSuccess = true;
        } catch (SecurityException | IllegalStateException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start shortcut", e);
            mWasLastCallSuccess = false;
