1. 程式人生 > >卷積和快速傅立葉變換(FFT)的實現





import matplotlib.pyplot as
plt import pylab import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image import os def conv(image, kernel): height, width = image.shape # 獲取影象的維度 h, w = kernel.shape # 卷積核的維度 # 經過卷積操作後得到的新的影象的尺寸 new_h = height - h + 1 new_w = width - w + 1 # 對新的影象矩陣進行初始化
new_image = np.zeros((new_h, new_w), dtype=np.float) # 進行卷積操作,矩陣對應元素值相乘 for i in range(new_w): for j in range(new_h): new_image[i, j] = np.sum(image[i:i+h, j:j+w] * kernel) # 矩陣元素相乘累加 # 去掉矩陣乘法後的小於0的和大於255的原值,重置為0和255 # 用clip函式處理矩陣的元素,使元素值處於(0,255)之間 new_image = new_image.clip(0
, 255) # 將新影象各元素的值四捨五入,然後轉成8位無符號整型 new_image = np.rint(new_image).astype('uint8') return new_image if __name__ == "__main__": # 讀取影象資訊,並轉換為numpy下的陣列 image = Image.open("圖片.jpg", 'r') output_path = "./outputPic/" if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) a = np.array(image) # sobel 運算元 sobel_x = np.array(([-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1])) sobel_y = np.array(([-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1])) sobel = np.array(([-1, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1])) # prewitt各個方向上的運算元 prewitt_x = np.array(([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1])) prewitt_y = np.array(([-1, -1, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1])) prewitt = np.array(([-2, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2])) # 拉普拉斯運算元 laplacian = np.array(([0, -1, 0], [-1, 4, -1], [0, -1, 0])) laplacian_2 = np.array(([-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1])) kernel_list = ("sobel_x", "sobel_y", "sobel", "prewitt_x", "prewitt_y", "prewitt", "laplacian", "laplacian_2") print("Gridient detection\n") for w in kernel_list: print("starting %s....." % w) print("kernel:\n") print("R\n") R = conv(a[:, :, 0], eval(w)) print("G\n") G = conv(a[:, :, 1], eval(w)) print("B\n") B = conv(a[:, :, 2], eval(w)) I = np.stack((R, G, B), axis=2) # 合併三個通道的結果 Image.fromarray(I).save("%s//bigger-%s.jpg" % (output_path, w))


通過上面的方法實現卷積操作之後,發現可以通過快速傅立葉變換提升卷積運算的效率。python提供了很多標準工具和封裝來計算它。NumPySciPy 都有經過充分測試的封裝好的FFT庫,分別位於子模組 numpy.fftscipy.fftpack 。有關FFT演算法的原理和推導可以參見參考連結的部落格。



xn 到 Xk 的轉化就是空域到頻域的轉換,轉化為點值表示法。

def DFT_slow(x):
    # Compute the discrete Fourier Transform of the 1D array x
    x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)              # 轉化為ndarray
    N = x.shape[0]                              # 維度
    n = np.arange(N)                            # 0~N組成一個一維向量
    k = n.reshape((N, 1))                       # 轉換為一個N維向量
    M = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * k * n / N)         # 離散傅立葉公式 -2j複數表示
    return np.dot(M, x)



def FFT(x):
    # A recursive implementation of the 1D Cooley-Tukey FFT
    x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)                 # 淺拷貝
    N = x.shape[0]

    if N % 2 > 0:
        raise ValueError("size of x must be a power of 2")
    elif N <= 32:
        return DFT_slow(x)
        X_even = FFT(x[::2])          # 從0開始,2為間隔
        X_odd = FFT(x[1::2])          # 從1開始,2為間隔
        factor = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * np.arange(N) / N)
        使用/會出現下面的錯誤,改為// 向下取整
        TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
        return np.concatenate([X_even + factor[:N // 2] * X_odd,
                               X_even + factor[N // 2:] * X_odd])



def FFT_vectorized(x):
    # A vectorized, non-recurisive version of the Cooley_Tukey FFT
    x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)
    N = x.shape[0]

    if np.log2(N) % 1 > 0:
        raise ValueError("size of x must be a power of 2")

    # N_min here is equivalent to the stopping condition above,
    # and should be a power of 2
    N_min = min(N, 32)

    # Perform an O[N^2] DFT on all length-N_min sub-problems at once
    n = np.arange(N_min)
    k = n[:, None]
    M = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * n * k / N_min)
    X = np.dot(M, x.reshape((N_min, -1)))

    # build-up each level of the recursive calculation all at once
    while X.shape[0] < N:
        X_even = X[:, :X.shape[1] // 2]
        X_odd = X[:, X.shape[1] // 2:]
        factor = np.exp(-1j * np.pi * np.arange(X.shape[0]) / X.shape[0])[:, None]
        X = np.vstack([X_even + factor * X_odd,
                       X_even - factor * X_odd])

    return X.ravel()     # 降維



def fft_convolve(a, b):
    n = len(a) + len(b) -1
    N = 2 ** (int(np.log2(n))+1)
    A = np.fft.fft(a, N)
    B = np.fft.fft(b, N)
    return np.fft.ifft(A*B)[:n]


void FFT(Complex* a,int len){
    if(len==1) return;
    Complex* a0=new Complex[len/2];
    Complex* a1=new Complex[len/2];
    for(int i=0;i<len;i+=2){
    Complex wn(cos(2*Pi/len),sin(2*Pi/len));
    Complex w(1,0);
    for(int i=0;i<(len/2);i++){


const double PI = acos(-1.0);

// 複數
struct complex
    double r,i;
    complex(double _r = 0.0, double _i = 0.0)
        r = _r;
        i = _i;
    complex operator +(const complex &b)
        return complex(r + b.r, i + b.i);
    complex operator -(const complex &b)
        return complex(r - b.r, i - b.i);
    complex operator *(const complex &b)
        return complex(r*b.r - i*b.i, r*b.i + i*b.r);

// 雷德演算法 -- 倒位序
void Rader(complex F[], int len)
    int j = len >> 1;
    for(int i=1; i<len-1; i++)
        if(i < j)
            swap(F[i], F[j]);
        int k = len >> 1;
        while(j >= k)
            j -= k;
            k >>= 1;
        if(j < k)
            j += k;

void FFT(complex F[], int len, int on)
    Rader(F, len);
    for(int h=2; h<=len; h<<=1)    //計算長度為h的DFT
        complex wn(cos(-on*2*PI/h), sin(-on*2*PI/h));   //單位復根e^(2*PI/m),用尤拉公式展開
        for(int j=0; j<len; j+=h)
            complex w(1,0);       //旋轉因子
            for(int k=j; k<j+h/2; k++)
                complex u = F[k];
                complex t = w * F[k + h/2];
                F[k] = u + t;        //蝴蝶合併操作
                F[k + h/2] = u - t;
                w = w * wn;          //更新旋轉因子
    if(on == -1)
        for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
            F[i].r /= len;

void Conv(complex a[], complex b[], int len)
    FFT(a, len, 1);
    FFT(b, len, 1);
    for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
        a[i] = a[i] * b[i];         //卷積定理
    FFT(a, len, -1);