1. 程式人生 > >.net中如何把多個檔案合併成一個檔案






  private void FileMerge(string[] filePath,string outFilePath) {
                int b;
                int n = filePath.Length;

                //FileStream[] fileIn = new FileStream[n];
                using (FileStream fileOut = new FileStream(outFilePath, FileMode.CreateNew))  //建立檔案
                    string[] namezu = f1.hanshuName(); //宣告一個存放儲存過程名稱的陣列並賦值

                    foreach (string func in namezu)     //迴圈陣列
                        if (func != null & func != "")
                            string funcName = func;
                            string strSql1 = "exec proc_insert 'SYS_DEF_ASI_FUNC' ,'funcname=''" + funcName + "''  and COALESCE(inuse,0)=1  '";
                            DataSet ds1 = DM.ReturnTableEx(strSql1);

                            string txt1 = "";
                            string txt2 = "";
                            txt1 = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["column1"].ToString();

                            string strSql2 = "exec proc_insert 'SYS_DEF_ASI_Func_PARAM' ,'funcname=''" + funcName + "'' and COALESCE(inuse,0)=1 '";
                            DataSet ds2 = DM.ReturnTableEx(strSql2);

                            foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds2.Tables[0].Rows)
                                string txt3 = "";
                                txt3 = dr2["column1"].ToString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt3))
                                    txt2 = txt2 + "\r\n" + txt3;

                            string txt = "";
                            txt += "-----------------------------------" + funcName + "------------------------------\r\n";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt1))
                                txt = txt + "\r\n" + " UPDATE SYS_DEF_ASI_FUNC SET INUSE=0 WHERE FUNCNAME='" + funcName + "' " + "\r\n"
                                    + txt1 + "\r\n";


                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt2))
                                txt = txt + "\r\n" + " UPDATE SYS_DEF_ASI_Func_PARAM SET INUSE=0 WHERE FUNCNAME='" + funcName + "' " + "\r\n"
                                    + txt2 + "\r\n";

                            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileOut,Encoding.UTF8);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        if (filePath[i] == null)
                            StreamReader st = new StreamReader(filePath[i], Encoding.Default);  //獲取檔案
                            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileOut, Encoding.UTF8);         //宣告寫入
                            string name = st.ReadToEnd();                                       //讀取檔案

                            int CreateProc = name.IndexOf("PROCEDURE");
                            int AlterProc = name.IndexOf("PROCEDURE");
                            if (CreateProc!=-1 || AlterProc!=-1){
                                name = name.Replace("ALTER", "CREATE");                             //文字中存在ALTER那麼就替換成CREATE
                                int a = name.IndexOf("-- Author");         //先找-- author
                                if (a == -1)                            //如果沒有找到author
                                    a = name.IndexOf("ALTER");
                                if (a == -1)
                                    a = name.IndexOf("CREATE");
                                string file = name.Substring(a);                                    // 作者之前的分割掉  擷取作者之後的全部內容
                                int length = file.Length;
                                string GOFile = file.Substring(length-20,20);                            
                                int Goindex = GOFile.IndexOf("GO");                                 //判斷文字最後有沒有GO
                                    file += "\r\nGO\r\n";                                                 //如果沒有再文字的最後新增GO
                                int endindex = file.IndexOf("@");                                   //獲取分割之後的文字中第一次出現@的下表:為分割儲存過程名稱的結束下表
                                int strtindex = file.IndexOf("PROCEDURE");                          //獲取分割之後的文字中第一次出現PROCEDURE的下表:為分割儲存過程名稱的開始下表
                                string filename = file.Substring(strtindex + 9, ((endindex - strtindex) -9)).Trim();//擷取儲存過程名稱
                                int endindex1 = filename.IndexOf("\r\n");                                   //獲取分割之後的文字中第一行
                                if (endindex1!=-1)                              //判斷儲存過程名稱是否有好幾行
                                    filename = filename.Substring(0, endindex1).Trim();             
                                filename=filename.Replace("[dbo].","");                             //替換儲存過程名稱中的[dbo].
                                filename = filename.Replace("[", "");                               //替換文字中的[
                                filename = filename.Replace("]", "");                               //替換文字中的]

                                string txt = "\r\n-----------------------------" + filename + "儲存過程-------------------------------------\r\n";//拼接一個儲存過程的if判斷,存在這個儲存過程則刪除
                                txt += "\r\nIF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type='p' AND NAME='" + filename + "')\r\nBEGIN\r\n    DROP PROC " + filename + "\nEND\ngo";
                                file = txt + "\r\n" + "-- =============================================\r\n" + file;//儲存過程的判斷和分割後的文字進行拼接
                                sw.Write(file);                                                     //寫入文字
                         int CreateView = name.IndexOf("VIEW");
                        int AlterView = name.IndexOf("VIEW");
                        if (CreateView != -1 || AlterView != -1)
                            int fileLength=name.Length;                                 //獲取文字的長度
                            string File = name;
                            File = File.Replace("ALTER", "CREATE");    //替換ALTER為CREATE
                            int ViewIndex = File.IndexOf("CREATE");
                            File = File.Substring(ViewIndex, ((fileLength - ViewIndex))).Trim(); //獲取檢視內容
                            int length = File.Length;
                            string GOFile = File.Substring(length - 20, 20);
                            int Goindex = GOFile.IndexOf("GO");                                 //判斷文字最後有沒有GO
                            if (Goindex == -1)
                                File += "\r\nGO\r\n";                                                 //如果沒有再文字的最後新增GO
                            int FileASLength = File.IndexOf("\n");                          //換行的位置
                            int staIndex = File.IndexOf("CREATE");
                            string FileName = File.Substring(staIndex + 11, ((FileASLength - staIndex)-11)).Trim();//擷取檢視名稱
                            FileName = FileName.Replace("[dbo].", "");                             //替換檢視名稱中的[dbo].
                            FileName = FileName.Replace("[", "");                               //替換文字中的[
                            FileName = FileName.Replace("]", "");                               //替換文字中的]
                            string txt = "\r\n-----------------------------" + FileName + "檢視-------------------------------------\r\n";//拼接一個檢視的if判斷,存在這個儲存過程則刪除
                            txt += "\r\nIF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'" + FileName + "'))\r\n    DROP VIEW " + FileName + "\r\nGO\r\n";
                            File = txt + "\r\n" + File;//檢視的判斷和分割後的文字進行拼接
                            sw.Write(File);                                                     //寫入文字
                        int CreateFunction = name.IndexOf("FUNCTION");
                        int AlterFunction = name.IndexOf("FUNCTION");
                        if (CreateFunction != -1 || AlterFunction!=-1)
                            int fileLength = name.Length;                              //獲取文字的長度
                            string File = name;
                            File = File.Replace("ALTER", "CREATE");    //替換ALTER為CREATE
                            int FUNCTIONIndex = File.IndexOf("CREATE");
                            File = File.Substring(FUNCTIONIndex, ((fileLength - FUNCTIONIndex))).Trim(); //獲取函式內容
                            int length = File.Length;
                            string GOFile = File.Substring(length - 20, 20);
                            int Goindex = GOFile.IndexOf("GO");                                 //判斷文字最後有沒有GO
                            if (Goindex == -1)
                                File += "\r\nGO\r\n";                                                 //如果沒有再文字的最後新增GO
                            int FileASLength = File.IndexOf("\n");                          //換行的位置
                            int staIndex = File.IndexOf("CREATE");
                            string FileName = File.Substring(staIndex + 16, ((FileASLength - staIndex) - 16)).Trim();//擷取函式名稱
                            int FileZGH = FileName.IndexOf("(");
                            if (FileZGH != -1)                              //判斷函式名稱是否有好幾行
                                FileName = FileName.Substring(0, FileZGH).Trim();
                            if (FileZGH != -1)                              //判斷函式名稱是否有好幾行
                                FileName = FileName.Substring(0, FileZGH).Trim();
                            FileName = FileName.Replace("[dbo].", "");                             //替換函式名稱中的[dbo].
                            FileName = FileName.Replace("[", "");                               //替換文字中的[
                            FileName = FileName.Replace("]", "");                               //替換文字中的]
                            string txt = "\r\n-----------------------------" + FileName + "函式-------------------------------------\r\n";//拼接一個函式的if判斷,存在這個函式則刪除
                            txt += "\nIF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'" + FileName + "') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))\r\n    DROP FUNCTION " + FileName + "\r\nGO\r\n";
                            File = txt + "\r\n" + File;//函式的判斷和分割後的文字進行拼接
                            sw.Write(File);                                                     //寫入文字

                        if (CreateProc == -1 && CreateFunction == -1 && CreateView==-1)
                            string File = name;
                            string GOFile = File.Substring(File.Length - 20, 20);
                            int Goindex = GOFile.IndexOf("GO");                                 //判斷文字最後有沒有GO
                            if (Goindex == -1)
                                File += "\r\nGO\r\n";                                                 //如果沒有再文字的最後新增GO

                            int nameIndex = filePath[i].LastIndexOf(@"\");
                            string FileName = filePath[i].Substring(nameIndex+1,filePath[i].Length-nameIndex-1);

                            string txt = "\r\n--------------------------------------" + FileName + "--------------------------------------------\r\n";//拼接一個函式的if判斷,存在這個函式則刪除
                            File = txt + "\r\n" + File;//拼接
                            sw.Write(File);                                                     //寫入文字


                        if (filePath.Length - 1 == i)
                            sw.Close();                                                     //最後一次寫完關閉
                            //while ((b = fileIn[i].ReadByte()) != -1)
                            //    fileOut.WriteByte((byte)b);
                        catch (System.Exception ex)
                        //    fileIn[i].Close();
                FN.MsgBox("提示資訊", "生成成功。", 0 + 48);
            catch (Exception ex)