1. 程式人生 > >Sql Server與Oracle儲存過程轉換

Sql Server與Oracle儲存過程轉換

在sql 向oracle 遷移過程中,最頭疼的也許就是儲存過程的轉換了,之前利用sql/developer 將sql 資料遷移到oracle 裡面去了,但是對於儲存過程來說,還需要進行大量的後續更改,下面就介紹一個sql 中的一個update 語句是如何轉向 oracle的 例子: Sql: declare @locatidnext char(11),
 @sphwcount int, @goodsidnext char(11),
 @upshl decimal(14,3), @fpsl decimal(14,3)
 set @sphwcount = 0
 set @upshl = 0.00
 set @fpsl = 0.00
 set @goodsidnext = ''
 set @locatidnext = ''
 update #tmppicils set
 @upshl = case when goodsid <> @goodsidnext  then upshl else @upshl - @fpsl end,
 @sphwcount = case when goodsid <> @goodsidnext /*or hw <> @hwnext*/ then 1 else @sphwcount + 1 end,
 @fpsl = biandongsl = case when @sphwcount = sphwcount and num>@upshl then @upshl
  when @sphwcount = sphwcount and num<
[email protected]
then num
  when num > @upshl then @upshl
  else num
 @goodsidnext = goodsid,
 @locatidnext = locatid 對於上面的語句,如何修改成oracle的呢,首先我們要明白上面的邏輯,之前也詢問過一些sql 的相關人員,有人認為這就是一個基本的case when,其實這條語句是一條迴圈update,下面就是轉換成oracle的寫法:     open cv_2;
             fetch cv_2 into v_count2,goodsid,upshl,sphwcount,num,locatid;
             while cv_2%found loop
             v_upshl:=case when goodsid<>v_goodsidnext then upshl else v_upshl-v_fpsl end;
             v_sphwcount:=case when goodsid<>v_goodsidnext then 1 else v_sphwcount + 1 end;
             update tmppicils set biandongsl=case when v_sphwcount = sphwcount and num>v_upshl then v_upshl
            when v_sphwcount = sphwcount and num<=v_upshl then num
            when num > v_upshl then v_upshl
            else num end where id=v_count2 returning biandongsl into v_fpsl ;
            v_goodsidnext:= goodsid;
            v_locatidnext:= locatid;
            fetch cv_2 into v_count2,goodsid,upshl,sphwcount,num,locatid;
          end loop;
        close cv_2;