1. 程式人生 > >SQL case when then end根據某列資料內容在新列顯示自定義內容 SQL利用Case When Then多條件判斷SQL 語句

SQL case when then end根據某列資料內容在新列顯示自定義內容 SQL利用Case When Then多條件判斷SQL 語句

select  ID,Username,namer=(case when(score<='50')    then '實習'
                                when(score>'50'  and  score<='500' )   then '赤腳醫生'    
                                when(score>'500'  and score<='1000' )   then '村衛生員' 
1000' and score<='1500' ) then '鄉衛生員' when(score>'1500' and score<='2000' ) then '鎮衛生員' when(score>'2000' and score<='3000' ) then '醫師' when(score>'3000' and score<='5000' ) then '
主治醫師' when(score>'5000' and score<='10000' ) then '副主任醫師' when(score>'10000' and score<='20000' ) then '主任醫師' when(score>'20000' and score<='50000' ) then '健康大使' else
'健康大使' end )FROM jk01_YiWen_Question WHERE UserID = dbo.jk01_Member.ID) as questionnum

例子來源於:SQL利用Case When Then多條件判斷SQL 語句